Chapter 2: And of course, they're panicing

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If Sam wasn't panicing before he surly was now. Crowley.. goddamn CROWLEY just had to include himself in Sam's rendition of 'once again the world fucks me over', was his luck so far down the metaphorical drain that one of his and Dean's most irritating enemy had to make an appearance in his personal tour of an alternate reality?. His brain was overloading with all kinds of possibilities and even fewer solutions to his predicament. What had snapped him back for his crisis was when he unconsciously dug his nails viciously into the sweaty palms of his hand from under his bedsheets.

"Did the lad lose his voice or something?"

Settle down Sam, he told himself

Chances are that he might not exactly be the bad guy in this scenario if Bobby, Cas and Dean are willing to stand so close to him.

"N-" He grunted "No, no I'm just feeling a little out of it" the curve of his smile was shaky but believable, Bobby had brushed past Crowley and straight towards him, god was it amazing to see the old man again, alive and kicking with the most emotional look Sam has ever witnessed, besides the time he had died, "Damn good to see ya again kiddo" Sam could of sworn Bobby was starting to tear up, but of course- knowing him, if he'd ever get questioned on it he'd probably deny it.

"Good to see you too Bobby"

Bobby ran a hand threw the strands of hair on the back of his head while simultaneously removing his hat "Y'know I'd hug you right about now but m'not sure how good you're actually doin'"

"I, uh- think I'm alright, Dean basically tackled me earlier so I'm pretty sure everything's good" Sam chuckled softly

Bobby gave dean a look

A look that Sam recognised all to well from all the time he and Dean spent with their surrogate father, it wasn't all that evil or angry but it just red as 'you idjit' which was just his usual catchfrase.

"Yea well, we'll just see when the nuse and doctor checks ya out"

Dean, who had been waiting paciently next to the end of his cot, winced, "Shit we forgot to call them" he spares Sam a distressed look before his eyes dart to the other two annoyed faces

"How in God's name did you forget to call the bloody people we actually need to escort moose out of here?"

'So even here he's called moose' Sam mused

"Well I'm sorry but my brother suddenly waking up kinda caught my attention a little more then calling some damn nurse!" Dean crossed his arms and stood to his full height, probably as a cheap intimidation tactic on the shorter man .... but now the height difference wasn't as big as before..

"Alright you two, put your dicks away before I kick you both out" Bobby chipped to Sam's relief, his headache was only slightly burning in his temples at the moment but he definitely didn't need Crowley and Dean having a shouting match and making it worse.

A brief silence hit the room before Cas decided to speak up "I'll go get the nurse"  with that he quickly jogged off with little to no resistance because, he guessed, no one wanted to leave.

Sam was still confused as to what part Crowley played here? Is he a family friend now or somthing?

Minutes pass with Dean parking his backside onto a chair next to him and petting his (most likey) greasy, frazzled hair with the lightest touch, Sam wouldn't usually mind if someone (not strangers) want to feel through his hair but the fact that it was most likely oily made him feel uncomfortable, nevertheless he says nothing for Dean's sake more than his own. Once Castiel make his exit Bobby took it apon himself to call up his and Dean's parents and whoever else needed to be informed. Crowley took refugee in sitting next to Sam's feet.

And God did it feel weird trying to not to be on high alert around the demon

Sam was debating whether or not it was appropriate to ask what happened to him that managed to put Sam out of commission for so long, of course he never had the opportunity before the angel returned with a doctor followed by a nurse

"It is brilliant to see you awake Samuel" Sam found himself gaping at the dark skinned doctor who spiked his memories, that was Joshua, that was undeniably the angel who minded heaven's garden when himself, Cas and Dean had visited because he was a direct audible link to God. "Do you remember who we are?" now the room felt heavy, Sam was once again in the spotlight, all those overbearing fretful eyes suddenly felt like weights bearing down on his chest, this is what these alternate versions are worried about for their Sam- amnesia. Sam's eyes darted between the two medical graduates and his annoying mind isn't letting him get away with say yes, because obviously that would bring up questions he wouldn't be able to answer, hell, he barley knows Joshua anyway. Sam shook his head, clarifying it's a no, and watched the younger one bite his lip and crease his eyebrows, Sam also had the upmost pleasure of receiving troubled, uneasy expressions from everyone else, (certainly his brother who looked about reading for a heart attack)- minus Cas who just looked like a sad, lost puppy "Ah well, My name is Doctor Joshua Shurley, and my understudy here is Ephraim Shurley"


As in Chuck Shurley

The writer?

"Nice to meet you" he extended out his hand (which made his ribs rell uncomforable) which Joshua took, very delicately mind you, but that was most likely due to Dean's glaring. "It is a little worrying that you do not remember us but I have brought up the possibility of amnesia when you were first brought in"

"How-" was he really going to bite the bullet? "How did I end up in the Hospital?"

Now that Joshua and Ephraim were aware there was memory loss, they looked less shocked and more, sad. It was Ephraim who fell out of that daze of- what likely was- sad memories  judging by everyone faces. "There was a car accident, someone had ran red light, crashed into you from the side and your car flipped over"


If looks could kill Dean would be charged with first degree

"Was there.. was there anyone else with me?" Typical Sam, always worrying about the other person.

Crowley tapped his chin, it's as if he was calculating whether or not it was a good idea to spill about person number 2, he spoke

"Yes there was one, very close friend of yours, I believe the name was Jessica Moore"

And suddenly, Sam couldn't breathe


This story is pretty slow burning which I can't seem to get out of the habit of doing so please be patient, the next chapter will run a but smoother

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