Chapter 1

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Oi have fun reading that's all :/

I wake up with a start and look around, I'm still at the damp foster home, I sigh as I get out of bed and clear the grit out of my eyes. I notice everyone else is starting to stir, and I bound down the hall to take a shower, I need to be the first one to get at least lukewarm showers, I don't mind cold temperatures at all, not one little bit, but what completely bothers me is cold water, it's so unpleasant. Anyways I quickly washed, my hair and my body (The shampoo smells like musty roses) And then I grab a small towel then slip into pants and a shirt, I notice Amber (My twin sister) grumbling about the food and water. Of all the things to be bad in the foster home, it had to be that. I grab an energy bar and slip out of the drafty house and sit at the bench near the bus stop to see that Amber is coming out too. We're the only ones our age so we go at the same time.

"Hey sis" I say fiddling with the vial on my necklace

"Hi" She says doing the same thing except with her key around her neck, we both have the same habits even though we couldn't look less different. She has wavy white blonde hair and ice blue eyes, while I have feathery jet black hair and orange eyes, sometimes I wonder if they mixed up our names, but no I'm Hazel and she's Amber, that's the facts.

Anyways the bus roars to a stop at our stop and we hop in, we're in all different classes but we sit together on the bus. I tap the floor of the bus with my riding boots. We talk about random stuff. All the sudden, the bus stops, but nobody whispers or says anything, it's blank silence, nothingness, all the sudden two scrolls appear out of nowhere. I stare at Amber with surprise then she asks,

"Should we open them?" I think for a moment, they might be meant for us so I reply, 

"Yeah" We both open them and all the sudden, a bright light flashes and we disintegrate,

Author's Note

So there's probably going to be some mistakes cause this story is kind of old and I copy and pasted it from google docs so don't harass me over this. Feedback is always wanted and thanks for reading bye??? I guess?? welp!!

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