Chapter 15

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I go to the dining hall for an announcement, which is surprising because it's a Saturday, usually Saturdays are chill, we don't even get homework, well unless you have a tutor, but mine doesn't count, she's only because I advanced too quickly in a subject, I sit down and wait as a lady walks up

"Class, we have an important announcement, we will have this month off because you will be earning something, for boys it's helmets and armor, for girls it's necklaces and circlets, the reason is, the later in the school year, the more advanced the magic gets, and the more advanced, the more energy you have to tap, eventually, you can end up hurting yourself severely, even wiping yourself out, that's why these provide energy, you will get these by questing in your domain, the girls will have gemstones, which represent... Them! The first questers are... " She rolled off names and then she called "Hazel Bluefire!" Joy surges through me, I get to be one of the first ones on a quest to find my things

"Oh and by the way" The lady announces "The items will carry your... spirit animal you could say, it represents you, it defines you, and it will assist you in certain things, so off with the first questers to pack!" And with that everyone goes off to pack, and everyone else goes with them.

"I can't believe you're one of the first ones!" Luna says with joy

"Yep" I nodded, this was going to be wonderful, I would quest and I would bring someone else to assist me, to be honest I'm thinking Luna, she's used to the cold, because of space of course, she's not as street smart as Amber, but she has faith, and I could use some of that.

"Hey Luna, wanna go on the quest with me" Her eyes light up like stars (See what I did there?) as she does a tiny dance

"Totally!" I let out a sigh of relief, all I need to do now is pack.

Arianna, Jem, and Amber were lounging around in our dorm circle chatting and talking about the quests and when they would be able to go. When I came in through the door they all jumped me and were excited about my quest.

"Hey, Hazel when you go back make sure to kick the idiots that are sitting in moms place in the balls!" We both laughed and knew those idiots were too afraid of me to stand up against my sister and I.

I went into my room to get packed up for the journey, bringing a warm blanket and some granola bars and any other necessary items. I was just about to zip my backpack up when Luna stormed in,


"Wear light warm clothing we're not trying to impress anyone..." I looked behind her shoulder to find the other three rolling their eyes.

I quickly push her out of my room and plop onto my bed as I wait for her to finish packing "fashionable" clothing.

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