Chapter 6

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The bell finally rings and we all scurry out into the next class, which happened to be spells, and we walk into to a simple classroom with a corner with plush pillows a black board, and the seats were those things you see at the end of couch's where you rest your feet, they were decorated with fez's and other expensive looking things, I took a seat on one along with the other students who were looking as puzzled as me, until a tall man walks in and he smiles, he was weird, a skinny man with a weird suit, I know that sounds kind of cruel, but that's the only way I can describe him, he fiddles with his bow tie, which reminds me of the vial around my neck. He clears his throat and says

"Hello class, i'm Mr. Queer" Is that some kind of sick joke?

"And, erm... We're going to do some basic spell casting, first... Using your elements, we'll start with something called Whatever Works. We'll be sending you into a virtual reality chamber, and you'll have to solve the problem, starting now" He points to a line of chambers, we all line in, eventually I get into mine by fighting against the crowd and I get plunged into darkness

I open my eyes and I find myself in a dungeon, it's dark, but there's a tiny section of bars, where light is leaking in, not enough for me to see my surrounding, then I remember my mom explaining snow to me. I close my eyes and a giant heap of snow falls into the dungeon, it reflects against the sun so I get better vision of what's around me, around a door there's one of those lock things. Okay I have two ways out of this, I decide to go with my core power way, I silently will the ice to creep up the wall and to the lock, it cracks, I get up and kick the door open. Everything goes black again, this time I found myself in the woods, I hear howling, wolves approach, they look like they'd tear me apart, I usually like wolves, but these ones were probably programmed to be point on aggressive, I didn't want to do anything to harm the dogs, maybe, just maybe, I could make a hole to go down to the earth, but I was too curious, I wanted to know about these wolves, I straighten up and stand my ground, not making direct eye contact, I didn't want them to see me as threatening, i'm pretty sure you couldn't get hurt in training, but not sure enough, I stay in that place, even though the wolves were nearing, I waited, they stopped, stood up, and blinked at me

"good job" one wolf said, I blinked, these wolves could talk. Then all the sudden, I got plunged into the same familiar darkness and I was in the classroom on the pillows, Mr. Queer looked down at me

"You've finished the challenge, good job." I grin, I finished my first challenge!

Next we had history of magic, which was in a classroom with a map tiled on the floor, simple desks, and a blackboard, the teacher's name was Mrs. Greensky,

"Hello class" she began "Today i'm just going to tell you the start of Elemental Rivers, it all started in the medieval times, when the mortals had kings and queens, people started to develop powers, elemental powers, everything from water to fire, the most powerful and rarest is the Aether power, who lived happily in a dimension above the clouds, she thought humans fights were wrong, she unfortunately couldn't invite any other elements to her castle because it only allowed Aether magic, finally she decided she'd help her fellow element keepers, and they decided they'd make many dimensions, one for each element"

"What if we fight" the keeper of stars asked and others nodded

"We could have a school, so even when we fight, we're connected by kin" Everyone nodded at this and that's how it started, elemental rivers is in the middle of all dimensions, it's for all to relish and learn, one day you'll rejoin your parents, maybe even rule your dimension. She smiled as the bell rang and we all hurried out, next was called Simple Magic, we walked in and a plump lady with a bun and glasses popped out of nowhere

"Hello class, i'm Mrs. Skystreak, and related to Mrs. Greensky if you've met her, anyways, this is kind of like Home Economics, just some stuff to help you along." 

Then she had us practice all kinds of stuff, which wouldn't help in a battle or anything, but definitely would help us with chores. Next we headed to lunch and I nibbled on a salad while Avi sat next to me (Yes she sat on a chair) And ate a bowl of berries, Luna, Ariana, and Amber, were sitting next to me, Luna and Ariana talking happily, they reminded me of chickadees, chirping, I wish I had a friend like that, I have Amber though, and she's all I need. The bell rings once more and we run off to our classes, which for me and Amber, happened to be All About Magical Animals, I was pumped, I was an animal expert, well, not to blow my own horn or anything, the only thing i'm saying is I really love it so I look into it a lot. We head down the hallway, which is grand, I feel so small in these long hallways, mostly because i'm pretty small for my age, below average, but not someone you'd mistake for a kid less than a year younger then me, I bump into a boy named Zack, who seems nice, but he's not my type, to be honest I don't really have a type, a large NO THANK YOU to dating there, anyways we apologize and continue walking, the school is so big, finally we reach a low area and we walk into a classroom with owls flying through it and nice low desks, and in the corner, I see a nest of some sort, I sit down and a burly man walks out "Hello class, i'm Mr. Bulk" 

I hear a girl with brown hair and brown eyes whisper to another girl "Ya don't say?" I just rolled my eyes. 

He cleared his throat "Today we'll be doing hippogriff riding, it'll be good for you, here's how you ride a hippogriff" He rings a small brass bell and a hippogriff shambled in the building, they were beautiful creatures, they had the head, wings, and front part of a hawk and it's whole back side looked like a horse, "Now you try not to blink, and bow to them, if they bow back, you can hop on them, if not, run behind me. Now, who'd like to go first?" Immediately, my hand shot up, i'm not trying to be a teachers pet, I was just SO excited to ride a mythical creature, one from the legends!

"Alright, girl with the amber eyes" I silently cheer and I walk up to the hippogriff and bow, almost right after he bows back and I leap up on him, and he runs out a window, and flies.

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