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This is my favorite part of budgies, so many different colors!

Budgies come in 2 versions called base. There is the yellow base, and there is the white base. Yellow base budgies are all varieties of green, and lutino. White base budgies are all varieties of blue, and albino.

There are grey budgies and violet budgies, they are, for the most part, white base budgies, but can be yellow base.

Single factor (SF) and double factor (DF) mutations include pied, yellowface, goldenface, violet, spangle.

Mutations that affect the pattern on their backs Include opaline, spangle, cinnamon, lacewing, fallow.

Other mutations include greywing, clearwing, dilute, fullbody greywing, rainbow, clearflight pied, dark eyed clear.

Rare mutations include saddleback, slate, Japanese helicopter, crested, anthracite, Texas clearbody.

Those are just the ones I could think of off the top of my head.

Top photo is a budgie named twinzy, a half sider budgie. Half sider is NOT a mutation (it's not genetic) it is a condition that happens sometime between fertilization and hatching.

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