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Once you tamed your budgie, you can teach it tricks.

Turn around: you can teach your budgie to turn around on a perch.

Spin: teach it spin around on a perch. Instead of staying on top (like the Turn around trick) spin involves going under the perch. Helps if you teach it "Hang" first.

Hang: teach it to hang upside down on a perch.

Play Dead: you might think of this as a dog trick, but you teach it to budgies too! Helps if you teach it to "lay down" and "hang" first.

Lay down: teach it to lay on it's back in the palm of your hand or on a table.

Wave: teach your bird to wave to you.

Recall: teach it to come when called. Helps with free flight.

Fetch: teach it to fetch things, like you would a dog.

Free flight: it's very risky, but it allows your bird freedom. Its normally done with larger birds, but you can free fly budgies too. Helps if you teach "recall" first, and your bird MUST have a strong bond with you.

Harness/flightsuit training: this is a much safer way to let birds enjoy the outdoors. Budgies require a flightsuit rather than a harness due to their small size, but I used a harness for one of my past budgies, there's nothing wrong with it, but it is hard to find one small enough AND light enough to allow the bird a safe outdoor flight.

Cage recall: teach your bird to fly back to its cage on command. Helps with a clingy bird, and could help with free flight.

Mimicry: the thing that most people get pet birds for. Budgies can mimic both sounds and speech. Despite their small size, they can talk just as well as a macaw.

The video above is mine, it shows my male budgie, Chrissy, learning "Wave" unfortunately he passed away, and I no longer show how to teach budgies cool tricks.

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