Multiple birds

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I have 5 birds (as seen in photo).
2 females and 3 males.
Elvis my male whiteface split pied cockatiel.
Quinn my male rubino bourke parrot.
Madison my female green pied budgie.
Arctic my female dilute blue pied budgie.
Squiggles my male green budgie.

Having a mixed flock has been challenging, but in the past I had 2 budgies at a time for 4 years before getting Elvis.

When you have multiple birds, whether they are the same species or not, it is a lot of work and quite challenging. Just because you get 2 budgies doesn't mean they will get along, Opal killed my last budgie Lucky, yet she got along with Jordan.

Before getting a second budgie you must first think about it long and hard.
Here are the questions you should ask yourself.

Can I give both birds at least 1 hour of hands-on attention every day?

Can I afford to feed a second bird?

Can I afford vet bills for a second bird?

Do I have the room for a second cage?

Can I keep them in different rooms until the quarantine time is up?

Do I really need another bird?

Be aware of one thing, unless you get all the birds at once they may not get along! If you get one and later down the line decide that you want to get a second because your first one is lonely, don't get that second bird UNLESS you want that second bird. If you have the time, money, and space for a second bird and cage then go for it. Otherwise don't get one, it may or may not get along with the other bird. DON'T RISK IT! I have lost a budgie to this once, you don't have to.

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