Chapter Fourteen

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   I felt a cold drift moving amongst my feet as my eyes shot open and I sat up. The leaves were on the ground and everyone was sprawled out around the once burning fire. My eyes groggily peered over to the beautiful human being curled up under our heavy jackets. I realized I was just in a cami and underwear. I blushed but realized that no one else was awake. I pushed a loose curl out of Harry's face and brushed his sweet cheeks revealing a dimple.

   "Holy shit it's cold," He croaked out. My laughter brutely errupted as I placed my small hand on his hot chest. "Hey! That's cold," he whined and curled further into the jacket. I saw someone twitch out of the corner of my eye, but then went back to a sleeping zombie.

   "You're gonna wake everyone, crazy." My hand pushed against his moist lips as his green eyes jolted to my face. That definitely woke him up. "What?" I smiled and pushed my hair behind my left ear.

   "You just are so beautiful. No matter what." He smiled back and then got up. "Let me wake up the others. We should probably get inside before someone ends up with pneumonia." he stood up and slipped on his skinnies and walked around and kicked each of the other boys gently. I saw Louis try to smack Harry in the balls but he dodged it quickly. I heard him chuckle as he moved to Zayn and then to Liam.

   My eyes were a little blurry, and I reached into my coat pocket to find my phone. I still felt bad about how Niall left without really having any fun. I sent him a text:

'Hey, we missed you last night! It was a blast'

It took him 5 minutes to respond, 'Sorry, I just didn't really seem to fit in.'

'But it's your friends, not mine. How would you not fit?'

'With Whitney, I meant.' Oh. So he was uncomfortable having a girl at the party.

'There were other people. I wasn't trying to force you into anything, I just didn't want you to feel left out is all'

'By inviting your friend to a public orgy? Lol'

'Well, it wasn't supposed to be the riske, but you get the point!'

   He didn't text back afterwards so I just left it alone and got up and gathered the fabric that I had carelessly thrown last night. Harry had made sure everyone made ithome safely and wasn't too hungover to drive; but everyone seemed pretty legit. Everyone thanked me for the 'epic' party. It wasn't really a party, it was a get together; with some exceptions of dirty things. Okay, okay, maybe it was a party. But it wasn't intentional at all.

   I walked ahead of Harry as we walked back to the house once everyone left, I've never been so cold in my life. I can't believe we actually fell asleep outside. I guess the fire was keeping us from realizing how cold it actually was. When I walked in the door I went immediately to the bedroom and grabbed some fluffy socks and put on slippers and then grabbed a Jack Wills sweater from Harry's closet. After that, I retreated to the downstairs and turned on some music and went and made a small breakfast for myself.

   Just a plain plate of eggs and bacon. Simple and easy. Harry came over and snatched an egg from my plate and gobbled it down.

   "Hey! That's mine," I pouted and pulled my plate closer to me and covered it with my hand.

   "Come on now, I cook for you all the time. I deserve to try something you've cooked." He smiled and kissed my cheek.

   "But I'm a horrible cook, admit it!" I yelled and tried to keep myself from laughing. "I'm nothing compared to you. You beat me at everything," I laughed.

   "That's not true," He looked back at me and his voice was blank. "You're a much better person than I am. I mean, how did I get lucky enough to have the smartest girl in school by my side while I was this big fat jerk that got everything he desired? I just don't get it,"

   "Well, it's because you weren't a jerk to me. You respected me. That's all I'll ever ask from you is to respect me," I stood up and took his hands in mine before kissing his fingertips. "I'll always be by your side, no matter how much I'm hurting."

   Harry pulled me closer, "But I don't want you to be by my side if I'm the reason for your pain. If that ever happens...I want you to let go. It's not worth it if your are in pain. I never want to see that. I'll always want to be the reason for that gorgeous smile." He lifted my chin and I shied away before he forced my lips onto his and within that one kiss, I felt more than anything. Better than the fireworks everyone talks about; I felt loved, cared for, respected, and trusted. He trusts me with everything he has. And I can't give him more than my full and honest feelings.

   My phone started vibrating in my sweater and I pulled back from Harry roughly and took a look at it, it was just a text from Kathy telling me it was my fault for her hangover. It was her fault for drinking so much, I didn't control what went in and out of her mouth. Har de har har. I looked back to Harry before reconnecting our lips to feel the spark all over again.

   "What are we gonna do now?" Harry sighed quietly and looked to my face for an answer.

   "I just want to sleep," I laughed and pulled out of his grip. "I didn't get much last night because someone kept fondling with my panties!" I pointed to Harry as he held his hands up in defense.

   "Not my fault I'm attracted to you in more ways than others,"

   "But I'm not that attractive is my point," My tongue stuck out as I walked towards the stairs.

   "Come here for a moment," He pointed his finger and curled it up as he gestured for me to come back. I gave up and walked back.


   "Look at this picture," He held up our picture and I tried not to blush as I remember when Niall had pointed out how happy we looked. I wonder if he ever knew someone that made him this happy.

   "I see it, and I look goofy. Not attractive."

   "This is what I'm attracted to! Someone who isn't afraid to be themselves around me." He placed the picture in my hand as I scanned it again for the hundredth time.

    "Did Niall ever have something like what we have?" I didn't mean to ask, but it just slipped out.

   "Erm, he doesn't really like to go into it. But yeah, he did. I'm gonna leave it at that. Now let's get to bed!" He carried me bridal style up the stairs as he tucked me into the bed and then curled up behind me as he sang me to sleep. Curse him for being so perfect. But it was hard for me to go to sleep knowing that Niall was once happy with someone like Hazza and I are now.

   It made me more curious about what happened and who it was. What made Niall go from being in the honey moon phase to feeling so lost? He might seem all happy and joyful when he's around me, but once he's around a large group of people, including another girl, it's like he can't work properly. It was confusing how he worked. I mean he was fine with just like 2 or 3 people, but last night was all his friends. Minus Whitney. Maybe that made him uncomfortable? Maybe he hasn't forgotten his first love and doesn't feel ready to move on? I'm not sure but it really breaks my heart to know that he's not truly happy.

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