Chapter Fifteen

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   Please don't be what day I think it is, I'd give anything for it not to be today. My eyelids are closed tight; scared to open my eyes and face reality. My body had been dreading the past 2 days, I've grown weak without the sleep. I felt a warm hand on my shoulder as lips were planted on my cheek. It was getting harder and harder to shove the lump down my throat and to just go away. I wish this would all just go away.

   Harry was leaving today.

   "Good morning," He smiled against my skin and pulled me into his torso. I took in his scent and tried to stuff it in a file in my brain so that way whenever I need it, I can remember this exactly like this.

   My tears started to pour over and fell onto his chest without me realizing, "There's nothing 'good' about this morning." I croaked out and then yanked his warm body closer to me. I needed him, what would I do without him?

    "Taylor...please don't do this. I want my last memory of you before I leave is a smiling, happy girl. Not this, I don't want to see you hurting."

   "It's so hard! You don't understand how much I just want to curl up and fall asleep and never wake up so I don't have to deal with this! I can't be happy or even smile because I don't wanna be. How can I be happy and smile when my only reason for it is leaving me?" My eyes searched his drained face as the words I spoke left my lips. I kept a very steady view on him as I waited for him to respond.

   His lips crashed onto mine as I felt tears slide down his cheek, "It's hard for me, too. I-I don't know how I'm gonna manage this. But if you can, I know I can. So please, just tell me you will go on and try to forget about how long it'll be until I get back. Think about how close we are to seeing each other again. Please, I'm begging you," More tears rolled off his cheek as he bit deeper into his lip and avoiding my eyes.

   That was it. I couldn't take it anymore. My life was officially ruined; Harry was crying. Because of me. I prayed that I would never have to see someone so confident and cocky fall down so quickly. I'm weak, I let it out more than I probably should. But Harry; he just bottles it up, and now was his breaking point.

   "Haz," My fingers rubbed away the tears on his cheek as I pulled his face to look into mine. "Don't do that. This right now is what makes me want to die; knowing that you're crying because of me."

   "You aren't the only one allowed to be emotional," He tried to smile through the tears and he just looked as if he would break down even harder.

   "I know, but please don't ever do this again. You could break my heart in ten million different ways, but seeing you cry is probably going to kill me twice as much." He placed his palm over my hand and pulled it into his and warmed it up.

   "Help me pack my bags?"

   "I thought you had to do that yesterday?"

   "You kept me distracted..." He wiped away the tears and then went to blow his nose before returning and giving me a bear hug.

    "Fine, but can I at least keep your shirt? And the sweatshirt I always wear?" I went ahead and grabbed them out of the drawer I always have them in.

    He smiled and then slipped the sweatshirt over my head as I put my arms through the sleeves, "Of course."

    I grabbed my bracelet that I had stored up in my jewelry box so deep that I knew he'd never seen it in his life. My fingers gripped it firmly as I remembered why this was so special. It was just one of those wooden beaded bracelets, but it was so much more than that to me.

   My grandmother was into all this psychologist stuff and was a crazy person for anything love related. I was only about 8 years old when I visited her in the home, and she handed me this. I remember this day so clearly:

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