Hunters?? Finally some fun!-4

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Olive's POV


The next 3 months go by and are extremely boring. It's been half a year and only 2 deaths which is good. I found out that the girl who I yelled at is named Cynthia Rose and basically that's all that's happened for the past 3 months.

I groan loudly as I wake up from my not so peaceful slumber. I stand up and stretch in wolf form. I walk out and see no one, anywhere. I smell a new scent, human. I howl loudly and run after the scent. I run for a few minutes before a human comes into view. Its a hunter! The king is one super sick guy. The human walks slowly on the lookout for wolves. I turn around and run back. I can't kill humans. I am a werewolf, but I do have a piece of human still inside me, even though I spend all of my time in wolf form. Once I reach my cave I crawl in and wish for the best. Hoping the hunters don't find me.

I spend 3 days cooped up in my cave until my wolf starts to beg for daylight and I am starving. I crawl out slowly and quietly. I see multiple dead girls on the floor with arrows pointing out through their chests. I then look for some food. I growl as I smell hunters. I jump around the boulder and growl, only to see a dead hunter and paw prints in the mud. That's when the best idea came to my head. I shift back to my human form and take his clothes. I slide them on and then take his arrow an bow and set off walking. I see another hunter not too far away and he smiles and waves at me. I nod and walk to the clearing. The King is there watching from his room with the glass wall. I nod and wave as I take my hat off and show him its me. Then I place my hat back on and lie down. Sun baking in human form for once. I might actually get tanned.

"Charlie, CHARLIE!" a man yells. I wake up and notice he is a hunter. I try to act like its all cool.

"Hey, uh, dude" I stutter nervously unsure of what to say. It's really hard to be a guy and have such a low voice.

"You shouldn't be sleeping here. Wolves could come and attack you" he warns as my stomach grumbles loudly "Come on, lets get some food". I nod and follow him to the hunters hangout. I see rolls and chicken wings and pizza and everything yummy. My face lights up and I jump towards the table. I stuff 2 dinner rolls in my mouth and get half the pizza and hold that in my left arm while grabbing chicken wings and a handful of chocolate sweets. I sit down with the other hunters and stuff my face. I finish the dinner rolls and eat my pizza slices. Once i finish that I throw the crispy pizza crusts behind my into the forest somewhere. Then I eat the chicken wings and the chocolate before going back and getting a bowl of soup and pasta. I eat those too and then get a drink from the water cooler.

When the men start changing into their pyjamas and climb into bed. I wait until all but 1 bed is left over and I find 'Charlie's' pyjamas and slip into them as I have the best nights sleep I've had in the past 6 months.


"Charlie, Charlie" The man shook me and woke me up. I glare at him and roll over. "Breakfast is here" he keeps saing me. Breakfast? They get breakfast too? I jump up and accidently push the hunter over.

"Whoops, sorry" I say helping him up. He takes my hand and is about to speak before someone call him.

"Aaron, come here, breakfast is here" some other guy yells. Okay, so his name is Aaron.

"Okay, I'll be right there Kenton" Aaron yells back. I get 'Charlie's' clothes and look at Aaron, telling him to go away with my facial expression. He doesn't move.

"Mate, leave" I say.

"Charlie it isn't like I haven't seen you in your underwear before" Aaron says taking my hand. OH MY GOD, Charlie and Aaron are gay and I have to be Charlie! No, nooooo. I have to stop this. Charlie is dead.

"Uhhhh I don't think this will work anymore sorry Aaron" I say. Looking at the ground.

"WHAT!?" He whisper yells "just because I'm cheating on my husband doesn't mean you need to break up with me!" he whisper yells, pointing back to Kenton. Holy shit, Charlie is such an asshole.

"Uhh yeah, well, I can't do this anymore, goodbye Aaron" I say walking away. He stands there opening his mouth like a fish. At least I told him before he found Charlie's body, which I hope a wolf has taken since I didn't bother to move the body, I just stole his clothes.

I walk to the breakfast table and Kenton gives me a high five for some unknown reason and as I walk past he squeezes my ass. WHAT THE HELL!? Charlie is cheating on Aaron who is cheating on his husband Kenton, who is cheating on Aaron with Charlie. This will end extremely badly if I don't do something quick. I'll just have to go back to being a wolf until another hunter dies. I smile at the guys as I get a random bag filled with clothes and I stuffed food inside. I get at least 3 months worth of food in there before I run into the woods. I also take the bow and arrow Charlie owned. I run back to where Charlie's body was and he is still there, thank god. I give him back his clothes and change into my shorts and jacket, which I hid behind a rock. I let out a scream. Immediately hunters, come rushing to the scene, I run away the opposite direction, back to my cave.

I set out the clothes and the food. I fold the clothes and place them in the corner and I put the food back inside the bag. I stole a sleeping bag too and a pillow. I set that up and get out my HTC Kaiser, I play a few games while I wait.

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