2009- 11

351 14 0

Three months of the games have flown by already. But this year is the best year so far. Our obstacles in the games are the boys. We get paired up and we have to hunt together and we have mind link and all this other cool stuff. I'm paired up with Ashton thank the Moon Goddess. 

Ashton and I have these beeping things that beep REALLY loudly when we get too far apart, like the rest of the pairs. We can also mind link eachother this year. He knows about my arranged marriage and he knows I'm worried about marrying Prince Daniel. Ashton agrees that he is too serious for me. 

Ashton and I are really good at hunting and so far we have been eating well but showering and shifting is a major problem. 

Right now I am waiting for his scared and disgusted reaction.

I just told him through our mind link that I am part werewolf and part vampire.

He looks shocked. But then his famous lopsided and sexy as hell grin shows and he begins to jump up and down.

"REALLY?" I'VE ALWAYS WANTED A HALF AND HALF FRIEND" he grins and hugs me. The ringer goes off and we cover our ears.

One other problem.

We can't have any physical contact at all or the beeping thing goes off.

They probably made that rule up because of me and Jack last year. I'm 15 now by the way. I ot new clothes and I never take off my necklace. It reminds me of Jack. Ashton knows nearly every thing about my life now.

"So Ms. Vamp/Wolf Jack dating girl" he winks at me "Shall we go and hunt?"

"Yes we shall Mr. Smartass who will have his head ripped off his shoulders in a minute"

"No need to be snappy Ms. Trying to be threatening but failing"

"I'm failing am I? Mr. Annoying the shit out of me, will you please hurry up so we can get food I'm hungry" I complain. He chuckles a little then he begins to walk into the trees.

"Piglet" I hear him whisper.

"FARTING STUPID DONKEY ASS" I yell back at him. He lets out a loud...Ashton-ish....laugh and I follow him and we eventually trace the scent of a couple of wild rabbits and we catch them.

We walk around for a while, enjying the air and the warmth. 

"This is our last year  in this arena" he sighs.

"Yeah, then we have another 2 years but wth our mates" I imagine my mate. Irresponsible. Crazy, Fun loving freak. Everything that is NOT Prince Daniel.

"If they are even alive" he whispers. I go to pat him on the back but then I remember the beeping thinga ma bobby. I groan and keep walking alongside Ashton. We do cartwheel challenges and other no touching games. Like catch and football with rocks. 

Then we go to my rock. We race each other to it and at the same ime we jump onto it and we end up rolling around on the floor laughing louser than the stupid buzzer.

Suddenly the buzzer stops and it begins to flash green and it unlocks and falls to the ground.

"The buzzers have been taken off, but don't stray far from your partner" the Kings voice booms through the arena. 

"This will be fun" Ashton and I give eachother the smae evil and evil genius smirk and we crack our knuckles and lie down on the rock.

I am almost asleep when I remember something.

My future husband is here somewhere.

Prince Daniel 'serious as a fuckin tree' Wilton.

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