One Whole Year-18

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I walk back into the arena and I tell everyone exactly what happened . From start to finish. I try to sniff out Prince Daniel but he isn't in the arena. I look at Aisha and Ashton and they are being all lovey dovey and bleh.

Gabriella is texting Jack on my phone and I am a loner. My mate is too busy for me so I will just marry my rock. I crawl on top of my rock and I lie down like a starfish and I lie in the sun.

I am about to fall asleep when I smell Prince Daniel come in. I hug my rock tighter and I look in his direction and oh my freaking god.

His arms look like they are from a movie snd his green eyes are so amazing. His brown hair and his high cheekbones all make his face perfect.

He is so perfect. Oh my god.


Daniel's POV


I see Olive resting on a stone not too far away. My heart begins to beat faster and she looks at me. My stomach flutters a bit. Her black hair reflects perfectly in the sunlight. Her sparkling blue eyes look like the ocean. Her looks describe her personality which is really cool.

She is so beautiful. I can't believe I didn't see it before. But I have to be careful. Vampires are our mortal enemies. She could kill the Royal Family.


Olives POV


He eventually reached my rock and he picked me up bridal style and he lied my down then he lied down next to me. He wraps his arm around me and I listen to his steady heart beat.

He twirls my hair with his index finger. I'm actually mated to THE Prince Daniel.

My stomach begins to hurt and I sit up. I groan loudly an so do the other girls.

"Whats wrong?" Ash asks us.

"We are preparing to go into heat" I groan louder.

"Isn't that where all the males in the world are attracted to you and the only way to stop your pain is to have sex with you or just wait for the week to be over" Daniel asks.

Aisha nods and we all let out a scream as our stomachs begin to throb.

The boys exchange glances.

"We will both do anything for you" Ashton says to me and Aisha.

"No. I'll stay in pain for a week. It'll be fine" I groan again.

"Same here" Aisha says. Gabriella sits there smiling at my phone. At least she has a vampire mate. They don't have to do this stupid heat thing.

Heat comes a few hours or days after meeting your mate. It basically helps your mate want you because your in pain and your emitting a scent that attracts all werewolves.

My stomach begins to hurt even more and I roll over. Aisha stands up and helps me up.

One way to cure some of the unwanted pain is to shift. The wolves will automatically want to go to their mates and because we are in wolf form it won't hurt as much. We run into the trees. If you didn't know, this is a different arena. It is warmer and more romantic and there is an endless supply of food for once in our lives. There is a small beach like thing and there are small birds that fly around and butterflies. I also get to bring Freckles into the games this year. Only Gabriella, Aisha and I know that we can bring dogs into the games. Probably because I am the only one with a dog to bring to the games. 

Freckles will be let into this arena next week. But in this arena there is still no beds or toilets and stuff. Or showers. Or electricity.

But because we are located somewhere else, we get phone service. I call Jack and my family daily. Gabriella still wears Daniel's ring he gave her so I still wear the one Jack gave me. Not to make her jealous but just because he is my best friend. 

We shift and I stare at Aisha's wolf. It's brown with black flecks over her back and she has peircing green eyes. She is a beautiful wolf. My wolf is just black with white paws and blue eyes that look like they would glow in the dark. Aisha's wolf isn't the fittest wolf in the world though. She is a little chubby and it takes her a while to stnd on her feet without swaying. I am pretty fit though. I did run around the arena for 365 days after all. 

I feel lighter in my wolf, the pain is barely notcable now, but it will get worse through the week. Another thing to do to prevent so much pain is being marked. It shows other wolves that they can't take us because we have mates. But rogue wolves don't care. It depends on the mark to see how much trouble you will get in if you try anything. When I get marked, I will have the Royal's mark, Aisha would have a Beta mark and if I wasn't mated to Daniel I would have an Alpha mark. It goes on and on. Most of the time when you try anything on Beta's you get punished or kicked out of the pack. Alpha's kick you out and ban you from going on the pack land and if you do enetr the paks land it is punished by death. Royals however, kill you/torture you, because in the wolf community. It is an accomplishment to sleep with a Royal or a Royal's mate. Rogues seem to like accomplishments. Every mate that has come to the Royal family has been hit on by a pack of Rogues. 

I'm basically stuck with Prince Daniel all my life. Werewolves live a lot longer than humans. We stop againg for a couple of years when we turn 20-30 Then we age slowly once we hit our 40's. Then we just die after having our 100-500 years lives.

We are kind of Forever Young I guess. 

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