Free, until a ring freezes me- 13

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"Olive Oil" the speaker says loudly. Ashton and I run to the exit. They check our names off and give us both a tracking device. We get taken to our rooms and we agree to meet in the hall in 20 minutes. I pack all my gifts and my phone and my hairbrush and all the other necessities I meed for the plane trip home.

I meet Ashton out the front of the hall and we walk in. Delicious smells of real food wafts past our noses and we both head straight for the chocolate fountain. Chocolate fountain for lunch? That is the best idea EVER!

Ashton and I both eat and chat and we talk about meeting sometime in two years when we all come back, if his Werecat side let s him come back because of the whole mate thing.

We spend 3 weeks and a half sleeping in real beds and eating real food until we finally got to leave on our separate planes to wherever we live.

I can't wait to get back to Florida. Its the 23rd of December today too. So I have two days until Christmas and the not long after that my 16th birthday!

I will be home on the 24th and I will probably sleep until Christmas morning anyway.

On the 29th of December I am going to meet my husband with Gabriella. We are really scared. Gabriella has broken up with Calum because she told him about being a vampire and he became a jerk.

We luckily don't need to be married until after the games just in case we die. But if we live and we don't mate with our actual mates. We marry our forced husbands.

The plane takes off and I drift off into a dreamless and comfortable sleep.


I sit up in my bed straight away. I look around. Nothing has changed. Still my perfect 13 year old room. I love it. I run to the bathroom and take an hour long shower with WARM water and then I go to an ACTUAL toilet then I blow dry my hair and I leave it flowing down to my waist. I take off the remaining makeup I couldn't get off in the shower.

I put deodorant on and I grab my slippers and my nail files and my nail polish.

I run downstairs and my dad kisses me on the cheek as I put my nail kit down and my brother Joey comes down and hugs me tightly. I hug him back twice as hard and he kisses my forehead.

"My 16 year old baby sister" he whispers.

"My old 23 year old brother whats new" I ask him.

"Your an aunt" he mumbles.

"OH MY GOD NO WAY! I'M AN AUNTY!" I squeal happily and my mother comes over and hugs me too.

We sit down and Anne and Scarlet (my niece) join us. We discuss everything that has happened in the past 3 years and we share stories about our lives and my mother starts to mumble and grin when I start to talk about Ashton.

Then I start talking about Jack and my whole family hoes quiet. That's weird. Oh well.

My mum serves us pancakes and we all eat fast. My mom hands me a blood bag and I pour it over my pancakes. Mmmm, perfect.

We eat in the lounge and the television gets turned on and I watch all the nee shows and we wait for my parents to drag the presents into the lounge.

When the presents arrive we all open them an throw the paper everywhere. I get a nee blue dress. That reaches mid thigh and I get some other 16 year old clothing. I also get some makeup and some dog accessories.

The last box begins to rattle and I lift the lid off and a husky jumps out and licks my face.

"MOM! DAD! YOU GOT ME A PUPPY?" I say happily as the husky jumps all over me.

"Yes hun. She is female too" my dad informs me.

"Hello Freckles" I say as I poke her little grey spots on her shoulder. She licks me again and she lies down on my chest. I stroke her soft fur and se lets out a soft noise.

"And by the way, Gabriella and your fiancés are coming over today for lunch at 1:30" my mom rushes out.

I check the time. ITS 12:30! I HAVE AN HOUR!

I run up to my room and Freckles follows me up the stairs and jumps on my bed. I throw some black sparkly shorts onto my bed and a new leather jacket and my Nirvana shirt on my bed. I get changed and I do my makeup lightly. The doorbell rings and Gabriella runs up to my room.

"I don't know if I can do this Ollie" she groans and flops onto my bed. Freckles jumps on top of her and she licks Gabriella's cheeks.

I brush my hair and I begin to tie it up when my mum calls me. This is the first time someone who isn't my best friend or my family has ever seen me with my hair down.

We walk down the stairs and I pull on some black converse and we walk down the stairs together.




"Daniel" I groan.

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