27 - Homecoming

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Homecoming was growing quiet near and Hannah didn't have a date. She was planning on going with her friends, whether or not she has a date. All she wanted to do was have fun with her friends. 

She closed her locker door and started to walk to her close. As she was heading to class, Anthony caught up to her.

"Hey, Anthony," Hannah greeted her friend.

"Hi, Hannah," Anthony said. "Do you have a date for Homecoming?"

"No," she responded. "Do you?"

"Nope," he said. 

"Are you planning on going anyone?" Hannah said.

"Ah, no," he said. "There's a girl I wanna ask, but I don't think she wants to go with me. 

"Why wouldn't she want to go with you?" Hannah asked.

"She likes someone else," he explained. 

"Oh," Hannah said. "Wanna go with me? You know, as friends?"

"Uh, yeah, sure," Anthony shrugged. "As friends," he said, nudging Hannah playfully.

"I gotta go to class," Hannah said. "I'll see you later."

"Yeah," he agreed.


It's finally Homecoming and Hannah and Anthony went to the school together. Anthony already has his license so he was able to pick her up in his mothers car.

Ned, Michelle and the rest of Hannah's friends were already at the dance. She greeted some of her peers and friends as she joined Ned and Michelle.

"Hey, guys," Anthony said.

"Hey, Anthony," Ned said, cheerfully. 

"Having fun?" 

"Yeah," Ned said.

"Where's Peter and Liz?" Hannah said, looking around. 

She expect them to be here.

"He's on the way," Ned said.

A few minutes later, Liz entered the room but without Peter.

"Liz!" Hannah called to Liz as she walked over to the senior. "Hey."

"Hi, Hannah," she said.

"Why isn't Peter with you?" she asked. "There's something I wanted to ask him."

"He's coming," she said. "My dad is talking to him."

Hannah nodded. "Thanks." 

Hannah rejoined her friends dancing and talking until she noticed Peter.

Peter walked down the hallway, all sounds muffled as if underwater. He stopped and watched his friends through the glass doors. Party in full swing. Spotting him, Ned waved and Michelle gave Peter the finger. A beat, then Peter pulled open the door. Pop music and chattering instantly filled Peter's ears. Liz is dancing with some of her friends. She turned to Peter when he approaches.

Hannah noticed the expression on his face. 

"Hann -" Anthony began but she walked to Peter and Liz.

"Hey. What did he say to you?" Liz asked Peter.

Peter just stared at Liz with an anxious look. Liz realized that something is off.

"Gotta go," Peter said. "I'm - I'm sorry. You don't deserve this."

Peter noticed Hannah walked towards them.

"Han - Hannah, there's something I need to tell you," Peter said.

He grabbed her wrist and started pulling her out of the room.

"What happened?" Hannah asked.

"It's Liz's dad," he said.


"It's Liz's dad," he repeated. "The Vulture. It's Liz's dad."

"What?" Hannah said in shock.

"We gotta stop him," Peter said. 

"Uh - huh," she agreed. "Good thing I have my suit and shoes in my locker."

They rushed through the hallway. Hannah took off her heels and opened her locker and took out her suit.

Hannah pressed a button and threw it up. Once in the air, the suit automatically put itself onto Hannah. Once on her body, it threw off the dress that Hannah was wearing. Hannah struggled to put on her shoes on while running.

"How - how did your suit do that?" Peter asked.

"Anthony designed it," she said.

"Anthony knows about your secret?" Peter asked as he put on his suit.

"Uh - huh," she said. "It was an accident."

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