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"Yah... Young Jhin.. don't cry..." little DO told the little girl. But she continued on sobbing.

"I hate....him. I really hate him......He always......made me cry...." She said as she continues sobbing. Little DO cried. She look up him.

"Why are you crying, Kyungie?"

"Because you're crying, Young Jhin-ah. I don't want to see you cry..." She laugh at the little boy. "Fine. I won't cry. Just don't cry Kyungie..."


"I want ice cream. Let's go."

"Kyungie... You are Kyungie!!!" I hugged him.

"J-Jhin, I-I can't breath." He mumbled.

"Oh. Sorry. I missed you Kyungie." The others laugh. I saw them holding their tummy while laughing. 

"I'm Do KyungSoo but call me DO not Kyungie. I'm not a kid anymore." He said. I looked at him and giggle.

"You sure you're not a kid anymore? Not that Kyungie-the-cry-baby??" I teased him.

"Yah, Jhin-ah stop it." He said..

"Haha. Fine. I just missed you. You're so tall now. And handsome. And....your eyes are still the same." I told him and everyone laugh again.


"Yah, guys, stop laughing or I'll punched your faces." I told them and they tried to hold their laughter. They seemed scared because of what I did earlier. I looked at the guy who's wearing eyeglasses. He's still holding his laughter.

"You.." I pointed at him. he looked shocked and he step backward. "GRANDPA!!!! you're grandpa right???"  they all laugh again. And this time they can't hold it.

"Yah...grandpa..Kyungie and I want ice cream..."

"Okay..Okay..I'll buy you Ice cream but don't call me grandpa. I'm too young for that."

"Ne, JoonMyeon-ah."

"Don't call me grandpa.. It's embarassing, you know?" He said and he pinched my cheeks.

"Okay. JoonMyeon-ah." I said.

"Suho. Call me Suho."

"Wae (why)?? Why would I call you Suho???"

"Because I said so." I pouted. "Don't pout." He said and we both giggled.

"Okay." I looked at the guy that was having his poker face after laughing so hard. "Sehun?" I called him. He seemed surprice because his eyes widened.

"Hi." He said and smiled.

"You stole my first kiss." I glared at him. He just scratch the back of his head.

"Kamsahamnida JoonMyeon-ah." Little DO and Little Jhin said while holding an icecream. They both went to the playground where the other children are playing. They sat on the swing and continued licking their ice cream.

"i want ice cream too Young Jhin-ah." Little Sehun pouted in front of little Jhin. 

"Huh? But I licked it already. Ask JoonMyeon-ah to by one for you." Little Jhin told him.

"No, I want that." pointing at little Jhin's ice cream.

"Sehunnie, Just go to JoonMyeon-hyung and ask him to buy you ice cream. or if you want you can have mine." little DO said.

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