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"Hey.. Can I talk to you?" I asked her. 

"Maybe later Kai. Everyone is in the dining area now."

"Please? Jhin? Jagi (sweetheart)?? I just... Look I'm sorry for being jealous and for not listening to your explanation. I'm just afraid to.. loose you." I told her.

"There's nothing to be afraid of Kai. I love you and only you. You're not gonna loose me. Trust me."

"I trust you, It's just that-"

*chu* I didn't finished because she gave me a peck on the lips. I widened my eyes and she giggled.

"I thought you want your first kiss on your wedding day??" I said,.

"Well, I already got my first kiss before so what's the point? And besides I just used it to shut your mouth but it doesn't mean that you can kiss me again" She said and smirked.

"What? Don't tell me you consider Sehun as your first kiss?" I'm boiling up with anger again.

"Ani... I was talking about someone else."

"What? You got kissed by another guy? Who is it? I'll beat him up." I said closing my fist.

"Go and beat yourself. I was talking to you. You pabo (stupid)." 

"Hey, don't curse."

"I'm not.

"Aish.. come on let's go." I said and held her hand. I smiled at her and she smiled back. We made our way to the dining area.

We sat down beside each other and smiled.


I didn't expect that I will love this guy beside. Dark monster, Kim JongIn, Kai, my boyfriend. I never expected that he'll love me like this. I can see in his eyes what he really feels. He's happy. After the dinner date yesterday, he didn't remove that smile that was plastered on his face. I smiled on the thought that this handsome guy beside me is mine.

"You two look like idiots. Smiling while walking. hahaha" Chanyeol said. 

"You're just jealous Chanyeol-hyung because you're still waiting for Dara-noona." Kai said.

"Dara? The girl from Ewha Womens University?" I asked him. They nod as an answer. "Daebak... Dara-unnie is so beautiful and I admired her for that."

"You know her?" Kai asked me.

"Ne. I met her in Canada last summer." I told them and they nod, again.

"Where's Lay-hyung?" Sehun asked. Yeah I didn't notice him gone. He's here an hour ago.

"Don't know." Suho said.

"Hey guys!!!" Lay came and she's with a girl.

"Yuri!!!!!" Luhan and Tao said in unison. They hug the girl that is with Lay. "I missed you." 

"I missed you too, Tao, Luhan-gege (gege is older brother in chinese)."

"How about us? You didn't miss us?" Suho asked her.

"Of course I did. I missed all of you." she said and hug all the EXO members. They did a group hug and I was left there sitting in confusion.

"Ehem." I fake cough and they all turned at me. I smiled.

"Uhm Yuri-noona this is Jhin, my girlfriend. Jhin, this is Yuri-noona, Lay-hyung's girlfriend." Kai said and he entwined our hands.

"Annyeong!!" I told her.

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