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I was on our way home. Well, Kai is driving me home.

"Ahm, Kai, about what you told me yesterday-"

"Is your ankle fine now?" He asked me cutting the word I want to tell him.

"Ne. It's fine now. I can walk but sometimes it hurts when I'm forcing to do things continuously."

"Don't do that. Take care of yourself." HE said still looking on the road.

"About what you told me yesterday, what do you mean by breaking the wall in between us?" I asked him. I look at him and wait for his answers. He sighed.

"Well, you know that there's this wall between us because I bullied you when we're kids. I'm sorry about that Jhinnie. I didn't mean to do that, but..." He said looking me in my eyes.

"But what?" I asked him.

"But..... *sigh* you'll know the reason soon. I don't have the courage to tell you now. But I hope we can be friends. Please accept my apology even though I'm not ready to tell you the reason why I did that." He said. He smiled at me. I smiled back. 

"Why did you stop the car?" I asked him.

"We're here at your house."


"We're here at your house." I told her. She didn't notice. She was about to get out the car but I hold her hands. And me, not knowing what I did, I found myself kissing her temple. Wait!! What?? Why did I do that??

"K-Kai..." She said. I can see her face turned crimson.

"You're crimson face is so cute." I told her and smirked. She went out immediately.

"T-Thanks for b-bringing me home Kai." She said, her head was looking down and then she ran into the entrance after closing my car's door.

"Why did I do that? Tss.. Kai.. Your emotions are eating you. You know?" I told myself when she's gone. I drive my way home.


"Why did he do that?" I asked myself while standing  behind the front door. I heard his car's engine and I think he started to drive his way home. I know my face is in crimson now. Aish. My heart is beating too fast. I went upstairs. When I passed by Kris-oppa's room I heard voices talking. It was Kris-oppa and Taemin-oppa's voices. I don't want to eavesdrop but I can't help it. I lean my ear at the door.

"We need to tell her now. She'll understand." I heard Taemin-oppa's voice.

"How? She just got here. When I told her that I'm going to China tomorrow, she'll be mad. " this time it was Kris-oppa. Wait, he's going to china? But why?

"When will you tell her? Or you're not going to tell her and let her know by herself when you're gone. Geez, Kris-hyung, she's our sister. And I know, she'll understand."

"I don't want to see her crying because I'm going to leave her again. I don't want to her to look at me like before. Taemin, I don't want our little sister to cry because I'm leaving."

"She'll understand this hyung. I know she will."

"I hope so." I stop eavesdropping. Kris-oppa will go to China tomorrow? But why? I knock and open the door.

"Oppa, why are you going to China?" I asked him. Both of them are shock to what I asked them.

"H-How did..."

"I heard your conversation oppa." I told them. I smiled and sit on his bed.

"Dad wants me to handle our business there." Kris-oppa said looking down.

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