Chapter One - How Do You Get Up From An All Time Low

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Chapter One

There he is. Tom Parker. His chestnut brown hair framing his face, as he strolls past me in our local bus stop. In a haze over his hazel eyes he's left me speechless. As if speech was needed right now, because he'll never notice me. Why would he? We're in year 10 and I haven't even kissed a guy, and I'm head over heels for some popular boy of the year, who's obviously never gonna realise my existent. I sigh stepping onto the bus to get as far away from reality as I can, watching him walk off into the distance.

"Kimberly! Kimberly! Oit Kimberly!" I hear a wining voice shout into my ear as they pull my loving, comfy duvet off me. I groan lying on the bed as I feel the coldness of the room hit my skin, I put all my strength in trying to open and focus my eyes as they blur from my light and close occasionally. My little sister Daisy is now perched on my bed, excitement oozing from her eyes as her happiness and smile spreads displaying her pearly white teeth.

"What do you want, Daisy..." I moan as she begins to bounce on the spot, shaking me up to be able to sit up right resting my back on the headboard of my bed.

"You know that new band The Wanted that just released that single All Time Low?!"

"Yes... You never shut up about it, in fact its six o'clock on a Saturday and you're talking about it! This new obsession of yours is unhealthy I swear!" She laughs, she's in year nine now, and I'm 21.

"No! You don't understand! They are doing a gig and the sales are on in an hour's time!" She insists tugging at my PJ top.

"And..." I say, I'm not very sympathetic in the mornings.

"And…” she laughs, “We can get meet and greet tickets! Please?!?" She pleads as I sit there emotionless to her begging.

"Eurgh fine! I'm not paying though.”

"Course not!" She says interrupting me pouring out money from her pockets.

"Where did you get all this?" I stutter stunned.

"Been saving up for what seems like forever and I want you to come with me!" I nod and order to leave my room as she runs over to mum to get her to buy the tickets. Back to the joyous lands of sleep I go.

 It's the day of the gig. It's only a little gig. They are still up and coming and not that known right now so you don't expect them in arenas yet - though I'm sure they would be able to someday. I put on my high-waisted shorts and a white blouse with no sleeves on along with some blue low top converse. I don't really care what I look like if I'm honest. I've heard their songs but haven't seen a picture of them. Too lazy I suppose. As I tie my hair into a rough pony tail and apply a thick line of eyeliner and mascara the door creaks open to reveal Daisy. She's curled her hair and applied just the right amount of makeup. She's wearing a black mini dress, pink converse and a leather jacket. My little sister looks amazing, I tell her this as she twirls with her dress flowing in the air.

I jump into the car, readjusting the mirror as Daisy sits beside me putting on their debut single. On repeat. For. The. Whole. Journey. Once I escape and we are outside she suddenly freezes.

"You okay, Daisy?" I say as she nods.

"Can't believe I'm actually gonna meet them! Thank you so much Kimberly. I honestly love you, you are the best sister I could as for!" I grin at the compliments being thrown at me, as we open the doors and walk in. We are given our VIP passes as we make our way to meet The Wanted.

The doors open to reveal five very good looking boys. One who looks very young with brown swishing hair and bluey greenish eyes. Another one with coffee coloured skin, jet black quiff of hair and razor sharp cheekbones. One with curly hair and bright sky blue eyes and one with a shaven head with silver eyes. Lastly a fairly familiar one with his face framed by his chestnut brown hair. I'm in a haze over his hazel eyes. I've felt like this before.

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