Part Nine - It seems like peace is the only thing I'll never know

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Chapter Nine

The next day was living torture, every corner I turned there was a fresh pack of faces prepared to feast their teeth into, throwing insults at me where ever I was. ‘Come on Kimberly, let’s go into the music room!’ one boy once laughed, ‘But you have a girlfriend’ I shout back, ‘That didn’t stop you last time!’ Girls wondered why Tom would cheat on Chelsea with me, apparently Chelsea was so much better and I was that ugly, lonely girl.

 Weeks later and Chelsea and Tom are still going strong. It’s all over her twitter, but never his. When I see them walk across the street he just stares at me until he’s gone out of sight. This doesn’t make sense. He never looks happy with her, but they’ve been dating for months. I clear my mind in what Tom calls ‘my thinking space.’ Minutes later I see Tom walk past on his own, he doesn’t look happy at all. At first he doesn’t speak to me, just stares over. I stare back hoping he’d say something. Tell me that he wants me, that he was stupid to let me go. Because I know that’s how I feel.

“Wasn’t expecting to see you here!” Tom chuckles gently before his eyes look straight to the ground like he didn’t say anything at all. He was dressed in some old wash out white trakies and had his hood up. I sniff back the tears and tightly wrap my arms around myself.

“Tom… you know this was my thinking space…” I murmur, he nods as I hear him sigh to himself before sitting next to me back where we were before we decided to stop what was going on.

“Yeah your right… I was hoping to find you here…” He begins before looking me dead in the eye, I’ve never seen him that hurt before, “Look Kimberly, you were so right, so right to be mad at me; so right not to trust me, so right to try and stay away from me. I can see how much I broke your heart and I didn’t let myself react. But in reality it broke my heart to let you go back then, I was so happy when I first kissed you… So happy. I wanted you so much more than Chelsea and I’m sorry what I ut you through all that shit…”

“It’s okay…” I stutter.

“No it’s not okay, Kimberly, I loved you back then I can’t believe I’d sit and watch you go through all that and then to see Chelsea at the reunion. I didn’t want her back, I really didn’t. And when I closed my eyes to kiss her, you were the first thing I saw… Don’t that say something? God, Kimberly… You’ve been the only thing on my mind. And you don’t have to take me back, but if you did I wouldn’t hurt you, I wouldn’t let anyone hurt you, I would make sure you smile constantly and I love your smile-“ As Tom starts to babble on I decide to interrupt him and kiss him. I feel him smile as we kiss and I can’t help but grin. I want Tom back so much.

“Promise?” I say breaking apart from him, “Promise you’ll never hurt me…” I say as he nods.

“I promise…” He says looking into my eyes before kissing me again.

It’s the evening and me and Danielle decide to listen to music while having pizza, I notice that Danielle has the biggest smile on her face.

“What makes you so happy?” She asks laughing.

“I was just about to ask you the same thing!”

“You first!”

“ME AND TOM ARE FINALLY TOGETHER!” I shout laughing, “you?” I say calmly.

“ME AND JAY ARE TOGETHER!” she says I scream for her as we hug.

Me and Tom decide to go out to the café that we went to together ages ago as we laugh at the simple memories.

“Erm, Kimberly…” He says as I nod sitting on the table we sat last time, “Despite wanting to be with you I haven’t dump Chelsea…” He says seriously, a frown covers my face as I sit there staring at him.

“Tell her, Tom!” I say, did he not think about that.

“I will after we eat…” He says as I make him promise. After eating, laughing and talking he pay the bill of our food  as I buy a bottle of water. ‘No…’ I hear him say I laugh as he runs out. I chase him down the alley way once again chucking all the water over him, despite it going all over me. Just like last time. He begins to kiss me as I drop the water.

Suddenly I hear heels walk over in our direction suddenly stopping as we both hear a gasp.

“TOM!” A girls shouts, we break apart to see Chelsea standing there with a starbucks coffee in her hand and a very expensive looking bag in the other as big sunglasses almost cover her whole face.

 “Oh my God, what the fuck?! Chelsea I’m so sorry she just came on to me I was just pushing her away!” Tom shouts as I feel tears fall and my heart breaks, it’s happened again, “Just kidding, me and Kimberly are dating now.” He says smiling down at me, wiping a tear with his thumb from my eye, I laugh at how stupid I was to think he’d do it again.  Astonishingly he’s left  Chelsea speechless before she huffs and turns around.

“Bye Chelsea!” We both chorus as she leaves, we hold hands before kissing again.

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