Chapter Eleven - Ending

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Chapter Eleven 

Jay arrives in his car as me and Tom are as far apart from each other than possible. Jay comes over and hugs me tightly as he could tell I was upset over the phone. Tom and Jay’s eyes meet before Tom gets in his car and drives off. It’s like he’s tearing my heart apart from the seams. Jay and I don’t speak for most of the car journey until he finally asks what happened.

“Tom cheated on me.” I say before sobbing again.

“No he didn’t… don’t be silly!” Jay protests.

“Jay it was in the newspaper!”

“Picture?” he says, “Was there a picture.”

“Well no…”

“Any evidence?”


“You do realise, Kimberly… Eurgh I’m not gonna say it.”

“Say it.” I say, I’m really not in the mood.



“He was going to propose to you.” Jay says trying to focus on the road.

“Really?” I ask tears falling from my cheeks.

“Yes Kimberly…” He says, “Go get him back.” He says stopping the car. I look out the window to recognise Tom’s street.

I jump out the car and knock on Tom’s door despite having a key. The door reveals a very hurt Tom tears streaming down his face.

“Before you say anything, Jay told me everything… I’m sorry I strewed up…” I say.

“He told you about…”

“The proposal?” I splutter as Tom opens his hands to reveal a ring.

“Will you marry me Kimberly Jones?” He sniffs.

“Yes I will Thomas Parker” I laugh.

“Oh sorry I mean Mrs Kimberly Parker to be.” He chuckles as we both laugh and sniff as tears dissolve into happiness.

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