Keith is Tortured

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Keith screamed as his captor drew the blade slowly and firmly down the length of his forearm. He had been tortured for what felt like hours, but he refused to tell them a thing. He was hot and sweaty, and blood was everywhere on the floor at his feet. His knee throbbed, a result of being hit with a steel rod. 

He passed out again but was brought out of it with a slap to the face, followed by a punch to the cheek. The man pulled his hair, making his head raise up, but he refused to look at his face.

"Now, tell us what we want to know and you'll walk out of here a free man," he said.

Yeah, I'm sure about that. Keith had no intentions of telling them anything.

Keith jerked back to free his hair but the man pulled even harder, making Keith squeal in pain. "You will talk, Keith." Then he turned to the other man in the room and said, "Gag him. Let him stew in his blood a little. Maybe that'll change his mind."

The rag was forced back in his mouth again as Keith struggled. No one heard his defiant screams as they walked away, slamming the door after them. He worked his wrists again, trying to loosen the ropes that bound him to the chair, but no such luck. They were bleeding and rubbed raw, stinging with every wiggle.

He gave up after a while, not in defeat, but because the knife wound in his side was stinging something fierce, and the more he struggled, the quicker he bled. He turned his head quickly when he heard a sound, which was deafening in the still silence.

His body stiffened painfully and his pulse quickened. He wasn't ready for more torture. The thought of more pain sickened him. He nearly choked on his gag in anticipation.

His eyes widened when he saw a familiar face. Lance. Was it really him? The blue paladin walked in quietly with a finger to his lips. He pulled out a knife and cut through his bindings, setting his bleeding wrists free.

Keith heard him swear under his breath once he got a good look at him. His face was all bruised with little cuts everywhere, and he had a swollen black eye. The floor below him was covered in blood.

"Baby, are you okay?" Lance whispered as he took out the rag from Keith's mouth.

"Lance, you came," Keith said with a weak smile. Lance cut the rope from his ankles as well.

"Of course I did," Lance said. How could he have thought otherwise? He sure hoped that Keith didn't think he would just abandon him here when he knew he'd been captured. He saw his bleeding arm with the eight-inch cut from wrist to elbow and shuddered. "Can you walk?"

"M-my knee," Keith stuttered from the pain. "It hurts."

Lance put his arm around him and helped get him to his feet. He shifted his hand to his waist to get a better grip on the small boy, and that's when Keith gasped violently.

"Keith!" Lance said, eyes wide and panicked. He was about to ask what was wrong when he pulled his hand back. It was covered with Keith's blood. He cursed. "It's okay, baby, we're gonna get you fixed up, okay?"

Lance spotted something red on the ground at the corner of the room. It was Keith's suit. Keith was currently only wearing his black undershirt, but he figured they had taken it off of him in order to torture him. The thought made the blood boil in his veins. He sat Keith down and quickly gathered his suit in one hand and went back for Keith.

He was careful not to touch his wound again and they started walking towards the exit. Keith yelped softly as his knee was jostled and he felt the wound in his side ache.

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