Keith- CPR

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"Come on, Keith! Last one in's a rotten egg!" shouted his boyfriend, Lance, teasingly.

Despite his fears, Keith bolted from the changing room, following an excited Lance to the indoor pool of the castle. Keith didn't know how to swim very well, but he was going to keep that bit of information to himself. He'd never live it down if Lance found out.

Once he entered the pool area, he saw Lance make a splash as he dove in head first. He watched him swim through the water and grasp onto the edge. "It's a little cold, but do-able. Get in!" Lance called him forward with a hand.

Nervously, he slowly walked over to the other end (the shallow end) and put his feet in hesitatingly. The water was lukewarm and felt nice on his skin. He lowered himself in as he went down the steps, grabbing onto the side of the pool.

"You could've jumped in, you know," Lance said as he swam expertly toward him, swimming laps around him in circles.

Keith glared at him but kept his mouth shut. "I don't know why you like swimming so much."

Lance shrugged. "What's not to like about it? It's fun, it's exercise, and it's almost like flying."

Keith couldn't deny that any of that was true. Lance had a point. The problem was that he'd never taught himself how to swim. He could barely dog paddle. Keith stayed put, letting his arms sway freely in the water as he watched Lance swim crazily about. Lance was a great swimmer and had learned at a very young age. Keith couldn't help but be a little jealous.

Keith scanned the waters but couldn't see Lance anymore. Maybe he was in the far deep end? As his eyes searched the water from a distance, a large object sprang up in front of him, scaring him half to death. "Lance!"

Lance grabbed Keith's wrist and pulled him through the water toward the deep end. Keith's pulse quickened at the thought of leaving the safe, shallow water against his will. "Lance, no! Stop!" he cried desperately. He thrashed his arms and feet around, kicking furiously in a failed attempt to get Lance to stop and to keep himself afloat. His face was dragged under and he spat out some water.

Lance was laughing as he stopped in the middle of the pool, turning to look at Keith, who wasn't smiling. "What's the matter, Keith? You never want to have fun."

Keith's eyes narrowed, his mouth in a hard frown as he held onto Lance's arm in a death grip.

"Ow, that hurts," Lance said. He could feel Keith's nails digging into his skin. He was about to pry Keith's hand away when Keith pulled and clasped tighter. "Hey, what gives? I was only trying to have some fun."

"Fun? Dragging me through the water unexpectedly is fun?" Keith spat.

Lance could tell Keith was really angry with him, so he thought he should tone it down a little and give him some space. "Ok, fine. Geesh, I'll back off. Sorry." Lance turned and swam away in the opposite direction.

Without Lance's hand gripping his, he had nothing to hold onto, and Keith was left floating in the middle of the pool, alone. Suddenly panicked, Keith began to sink. He kicked his legs back and forth, trying desperately to tread water, but it was no use. He was sinking, his chin now just above water. "Lance!" he screamed, but Lance was under water. He couldn't hear him.

He screamed out again for help, but the words were garbled as his mouth and nose dipped under the surface. His pulse was racing and he could feel his heartbeat pounding through his ears. The rest of his body went under despite his thrashing around. He kept trying to break the surface, but nothing happened except for sinking.

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