CYOA - Slip Slidin' Away Part 4

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Wow, guys.  The voting was SO close this time.  

Should Keith:

A) Go to the hospital. His ankle might be broken.      10


B) Wait it out. Give it some time. It might not be serious.    11

"It's okay, Shiro," Keith said. "I'm sure it's just a sprain. Don't worry about me. You guys go out and keep skating."

Despite his friends' protests, Keith stuck to his decision. It wasn't a life or death situation, his ankle could wait, and if it got any worse, then he could worry, but for now, his friends were having a great time until his accident, and he didn't want to be the one to spoil it for them.

He watched them skate away hesitatingly, but once they got back on the ice, he heard them laughing again, which made him feel a little better. The cold, however, was starting to get to him, and he could feel the coldness from the bench seeping through his jeans. He shivered.

"Hey, I'm sorry you got hurt out there," the guy from the ticket booth said. Lance. Keith had almost forgotten about him.

Keith's stomach did a somersault as he looked up at Lance, whose eyes were oozing concern for him. It was attractive. Keith felt his face heat up. "Yeah, well, it is what it is I guess." Keith gestured to his ankle, which was protected only with a white sock.

"You look cold. You can hang with me in my ticket booth if you like?" Lance asked, tilting his head a bit as he waited for a response.

Keith smiled.

"It's a little warmer in there, and besides, I could use some company myself."

Warmth sounded very good right now. He knew the skating rink had another 30 minutes before closing, and he really didn't want to be sitting on this freezing bench the whole time. "Sure. I'll take you up on that."

Keith stood and put weight on his hurt ankle and the pain almost had him collapsing to the ground. He would have, actually, if it weren't for Lance's fast actions. Lance's eyes grew big as he saw Keith struggle to walk and was quickly at his side, acting as a crutch.

"You alright?" Lance asked, his arm around Keith's back.

"I'm fine," Keith said, struggling to swallow the whimpers of pain each time his foot touched the ground.

Lance held the door to the booth open and helped Keith get settled onto a stool. It was considerably warmer inside, and there was a small space heater in the middle of the wooden room.

"This is my little home away from home," Lance said. He got up when he had two more customers, and then turned his attention back to Keith.

"So, are you a college student, too?" Keith asked.

"Yeah, third semester," Lance said.

Keith's smile turned to a frown. The pain in his ankle was only growing worse, and now he felt an ache in his knee, too, that hadn't presented itself until now.

"Are you okay?" Lance asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"It's your ankle, isn't it?" Lance pried. "You don't have to be embarrassed. I know the feeling. I broke mine when I first went ice skating. It was quite the adventure."

Keith gave a polite laugh, but in fact, he was hurting pretty terribly at this point, but he still didn't want to say anything. He looked at his watch. Only 15 minutes left until closing time.

"Hey, I'll be right back, okay? Don't go anywhere."

As if Keith could go anywhere. He waited five minutes and then Lance came back with two steaming cups in his hands. "Got us some hot chocolate from the booth next door. Here you go."

Keith thanked him and accepted it graciously. How nice of Lance to do that for him. As they sat and enjoyed their beverage, Keith saw his friends coming up to the booth to return their skates.

Keith stood on his good leg and waved at them. "Hey, guys!"

"Keith, what are you doing in there?" Hunk asked.

Lance answered for him. "I invited him in. He looked too cold outside and lonely."

Keith's friends gave him a little knowing look but kept their realizations to themselves, smiles creeping on their faces.

"Ready to go, Keith?" Shiro asked.

"Yeah, but, um, do you mind if you take me to the hospital instead?" Keith asked, even though it tore his dignity in two just by asking. It left him feeling needy and dependent, both things he despised.

Shiro's face scrunched up in confusion and shock. "You must be feeling really bad to be asking that. I'll go start up the car and drive it closer."

A few minutes later, Shiro returned, but not with the car. "Guys, the car won't start. I called a tow truck and they said it will take at least an hour to get here."

"Well, what are we supposed to do? No one else has a car and it's freezing out here," Pidge commented, shaking from the cold.

After a moment of silence, Lance piped up. "I could take him to the hospital if you want me to, Keith?"

Keith was surprised by Lance's offer, but he barely knew him. A part of him screamed yes, go with the hot guy who turns your insides into jelly, but the other part said but you don't even know him and you don't want to become a burden.

What should Keith do?

A) Go with Lance. Let him take him to the hospital.


B) Wait an hour for the tow truck and go with Shiro.

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