CYOA Slip Slidin' Away Part 3

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Hey, guys.  Since the voting has been tapering off and I'm wanting to write, I'm going to give you the next part already. 

Should Keith:

A) Keep hovering over the bar. He's not good at skating yet and he might hurt himself if he doesn't.    1


B) Ditch the bar. Keith's got this! He'll never learn to skate unless he lets go.    19

In the event of looking like a wuss, Keith decided he needed to ditch the bar and venture out with the rest of the skaters. He let go and pointed his body in the direction of the middle of the rink.

Push off, he ordered himself. He steadily made his way out, one foot at a time until he was headed near Shiro, who was skating around like he'd been doing it his whole life. Keith slowly but surely found his way to him, arms out to keep his balance.

He saw Shiro look up and immediately grinned. "Hey, bud! You finally came out to join us!"

Keith couldn't help but grin. "I'm slowly getting there. I've never really done this before."

"It takes a lot of practice," Shiro said, and then proceeded to skate forwards and backwards and ran circles around him.

"Show-off!" Keith said with a laugh.

Keith saw Hunk and Pidge on the other end, so he began making his way towards them. He was still a bit unsteady and rather wobbly. He jerked to the side when he felt like he was going to crash, but he righted himself before that could happen. It did, however, startle him and caused his pulse to climb.

He heard someone yell his name, which took him out of his thoughts. His eyes went from his feet to the crowd skating far away from him. He saw Hunk wave at him and then called his name again. "Keith!"

"Hey, Hunk!" Keith waved. Once he made it to Hunk and Pidge, it felt like a huge accomplishment. He had just skated the whole length of the rink without needing to grab onto the bar.

From then on, he spent the next hour with his friends, laughing and skating. It was pretty chilly outside, and he was glad for the gloves he had on. His nose was freezing and it wouldn't stop running.

Besides the cold weather, things were looking up. He was having a lot of fun, and it sure beat spending time in his apartment studying the night away.

As Keith was skating alongside Pidge, he saw a girl headed right towards him. Because Keith was new at this, he didn't have time to turn his body and maneuver himself away, and the girl wasn't doing anything to change directions herself. He also had no idea how to stop. He normally just let himself slow down naturally.

There was nothing else to do except, well. . .


Keith and the girl collided, sending them sprawling on the ice. Keith went down hard, feeling his knee hit the ice first with a painful bang. That's gonna bruise, was the thought that crossed Keith's mind.

He heard Pidge and Hunk shout his name and then he felt shadows surrounding him. He opened his eyes to all his friends looking at him worriedly.

"Keith, are you okay?" Pidge asked.

"I, I think so," Keith said. He started to get up and then felt a sharp pain in his ankle. He moaned. "Ow, wait, I don't know. My ankle doesn't feel right."

Keith noticed all eyes had suddenly turned from him. He looked to the side to see who everyone was looking at. It was the guy who gave them the tickets. Great. And here Keith was, on the ground, looking pathetic. Way to make a second impression.

"Is everything okay? I saw everyone gather around so I came to see-"he started, and then he finally saw Keith on the ice, laying on his side. "Oh, what happened? Are you okay?"

"I fell," Keith said, trying to keep the wince off his face but failing.

Arms encircled him as he was carefully lifted from the ice. He kept his left foot elevated as Shiro put an arm around his waist and they headed towards the bench outside the skating rink. Keith wondered what happened to the girl that had hit him, but he figured she was probably okay since he didn't see her again.

Shiro knelt down at Keith's feet and undid his laces and loosened the skate as well as he could. "Think you can get your foot out?"

Keith moved his foot up, but yelped as it pulled on his injured ankle.

"I know it hurts, Keith, but you gotta keep trying," Shiro prompted.

Shiro held back the shoe's tongue and laces even harder as Keith maneuvered his foot out slowly and painfully. With a cringe of pain, he finally got his foot out successfully.

Shiro inspected his foot and had him rotate it while all his friends looked on, including Lance.

"How bad does it hurt?" Shiro asked, lowering his foot to the ground.

"It's okay. I'm sure it's fine," Keith said.

"Well, can you walk on it?" Shiro looked at him unsurely.

"Well, I mean, no, but—"

"Keith," Shiro interrupted. "What do you want to do? Should we take you to the doctor?"

Should Keith:

A) Go to the hospital. His ankle might be broken.


B) Wait it out. Give it some time. It might not be serious.


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