Healed, but still in pain (Pod Malfunction)

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Words: 2,281

I wrote this for a prompt on Tumblr: Malfunctioning healing pod. The injuries are healed, but the pain doesn't go away.

"Keith, watch out!" Lance cried. A soldier was running at Keith, his sword aimed at Keith's waist.

Keith turned abruptly, but it was too late. The sword was thrust into Keith's side and then out again, leaving him with a gaping, bleeding hole in his torso. Keith screamed from the pain and fell to the earth.

Lance, amidst the fighting and the chaos going on around him, acted quickly. Using his training, he kicked Keith's attacker in the groin and punched him square in the jaw until he backed off and ran in the opposite direction.

It was obvious their mission had gone sour and they needed to leave. Looking in all directions, Lance decided the coast was clear, at least for now. He turned his attention to the injured paladin, who was whimpering and clutching his side. "Keith, are you okay? Stay with me."

"How bad is it?" Keith asked with a shaky voice.

Without even glancing at his wound just yet, Lance automatically responded with, "You're gonna be just fine, Keith. I'm gonna get you back to the castle."

Keith could feel the life being driven out of him. He could tell he was losing a lot of blood. His heart was pounding, his whole body shaking, and he was starting to feel really cold. Keith shook his head. "Just go. Save yourself. I'll only slow you down."

How could he say such a thing? It angered Lance that he would give up this quickly. "I'll be damned if I leave here without you. Are you kidding me?"

Pain shot through his bleeding wound and he cried out, rocking back and forth on his side. He wasn't one to cry, but the pain was so bad that he felt tears welling up in his eyes, threatening to fall.

"Hold on," Lance said, and he proceeded to pick Keith up from the ground and into a standing position. Keith hunched over and screamed. "I'm sorry, Keith. Just hang onto me, alright? We need to get somewhere safe."

They slowly made their way through a maze of hallways, Keith leaving a trail of blood everywhere they went. They dodged past guards and soldiers until they finally made it outside.

"Coran, Hunk, somebody, come in. Keith's been hurt," Lance said through the radio in his headset.

Coran responded immediately. "Lance, what's your 20? How bad is Keith hurt?"

Lance told him where he was. "Keith's been stabbed by a soldier. It's pretty bad."

Keith didn't like how Lance didn't sugar coat it, not even for Keith's ears. It must be pretty bad then. He found it hard to keep his eyes open. If Lance would have checked him over even more thoroughly, he would have found that he was covered head to toe in cuts and bruises and he was pretty sure his aching wrist was broken, too.

After waiting a few more minutes, Coran landed and he and Allura came outside to help Keith into the castle. They moved quickly and headed towards the healing pods. At the moment, they were all down except for one.

"Quick, get him inside," Coran said, and he opened the door and Lance gave a half-conscious Keith a quick kiss on the cheek before helping him inside the pod. Turning to Lance, Coran said, "His wound seemed really grave. It will take at least a day for him to heal. Come on now, I'm sure you're hungry. How about you go and get some food?"

"No," Lance said too quickly. "I'm staying right here until he gets out."

"I know how much you care for Keith, Lance, but you need to rest," Allura said.

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