CYOA Slip Slidin' Away Part 5

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The results of voting here are so shocking.  *insert sarcasm.  Lol

What should Keith do?

A) Go with Lance. Let him take him to the hospital.   (27)


B) Wait an hour for the tow truck and go with Shiro. (0)

"I don't know, Lance. I don't want to inconvenience you," Keith said.

"It's not. I don't mind helping." Lance sniffed and pulled up his hood against the biting wind.

Keith glanced at his friends for any sign as to what they thought he should do. He could tell they were thinking it over. He had only known Lance for less than an hour, but Keith couldn't deny that Lance had been nothing but accommodating towards him. Heck, he served him hot chocolate and ten minutes after downing it, he was still alive and breathing.

The pain in his knee and ankle practically had him in tears, or was it from the chilly wind biting at his face? He had to admit he didn't want to spend the next hour out in the cold, shivering and in pain.

"Well, if you really don't mind, I'd like you to take me." Keith gave Lance a thankful smile and Lance gave him one in return.

"Okay then. Ready to go?"

The ride to the hospital was uncomfortably silent. Keith didn't know what to say. What do you talk about with someone you don't even know? As he struggled for some kind of conversational topic, Lance broke the silence.

"How's your ankle?" Lance asked, keeping his eyes on the road.

"Ugh," Keith groaned. It had been doing nothing but throbbing since he got in the car.

"That bad, huh?" Lance glanced at Keith long enough to see the wince on his face. "How'd it happen anyway?"

Keith explained how a girl had run into him while he was skating across the rink to his friends. It had been nothing but an unfortunate accident.

"Oof," Lance responded when Keith got to the part about the crash. "That's gotta hurt."

"Wouldn't have happened if I knew how to slow down." Keith laughed, but instantly regretted having shared that bit of information.

"That can take practice. I can show you sometime, you know. If you want," Lance added with a shrug of the shoulders.

Keith grinned to himself. "You're a skater?"

"Yeah. I get to skate free. Comes with the job." He pulled into the hospital parking lot. After parking the car, he turned to Keith, who was busy finding the door handle to get himself out. "Wait. Hang on. I'll come get you."

Lance then got out of the car and walked around to Keith's side and opened the door. Keith took Lance's outstretched hand as he was helped him out of the car. On the way out, Keith's injured knee bumped the car door and he couldn't help but scream in pain.

He wished he could've kept it together for Lance's sake, because now he felt he had Lance worried.

"I'm so sorry!" Lance cried. "You okay, bro?"

Keith nodded vigorously to show him it wasn't his fault and that he was ok. Lance put his arm around him, and together they walked to the Emergency Room doors. The pain in Keith's ankle only intensified with each painful step, regardless of Lance helping him, but he knew it would be much worse without his help. His knee was also aching even more, thanks to the car door mishap.

Almost there. Just a little more to go.

Keith, realizing this was a way of getting closer to this stranger, used this opportunity to snuggle in a little closer to Lance. He was so close that he could smell his cologne, or maybe it was the soap he used. Either way, Lance smelled amazing. As slender as he was, Lance had muscles. Keith could feel them by the way Lance gripped him closely to his side. Lance was strong and capable, and he liked that about him.

By the time Lance placed Keith in a seat in the waiting room, Keith was out of breath. Lance went to the front desk and brought him back some paperwork. After a small wait, Keith was called back by a nurse. Lance arose first and stuck out a hand to Keith. Keith grabbed it and Lance hoisted him up and held him closely again as they limped to the exam room the nurse guided them to.

The nurse took Keith's vitals and asked how he had gotten hurt, and then said the doctor would see him shortly. In Keith's mind, "shortly" doesn't mean 35 minutes, but apparently, that's what it means in the ER.

"I'm sorry this is taking so long," Keith told Lance. "I didn't mean to ruin your evening." Keith sat on the exam table on the crinkly white paper while Lance sat on a chair next to him.

"Hey, I volunteered. It's not a problem. I had nothing better to do anyway."

The doctor knocked and finally entered the room. He was friendly enough. He checked his ankle and had him push back his jeans so he could see his knee, and it was very purple and covered in bruises. The doctor had him go back for x-rays of both his knee and ankle, and then they sat in the room again for the results.

This time, the waiting was shorter. The doctor came back in and said Keith had a slightly fractured ankle and a badly bruised knee. He began putting a cast on his ankle while Lance asked the doctor all kinds of questions, like:

"Can the cast get wet? What happens if it gets wet?" (No. It will get moldy and smelly and he'll need a new one, said the doctor).

"How long does he have to wear it?" (six weeks)

"How do you wrap it so fast?" (I've been doing this for 25 years)

The doctor gave him a prescription for pain pills and they were free to go. Lance picked up his medicine in the drive through before taking Keith home.

"Nice apartments," Lance said as he pulled up.

"Where do you live?" Keith asked.

"It's on the other side of campus. I'll have to show you sometime."

"Maybe when you show me how to ice skate?" Keith held his breath as he waited for his response.

"Yeah, definitely."

Keith showed him which apartment number he lived in and Lance stood by his side as Keith used his new crutches to get himself around. They were strange to use and didn't compare with the support and body heat that Lance had provided him, but they'd have to do.

Keith stopped in front of his door.

"Think you've got it from here?" Lance asked.

"Yeah, I think so. Thanks again, Lance, for everything."

"You're welcome. Hey, I know you're out of commission for a while until your ankle heals, so you wanna grab a bite to eat next week?"

"Yeah, I'd like that," Keith said with a grin.

They exchanged numbers and Keith closed the door with the biggest grin on his face. He couldn't wait to tell his friends.

And that, my friends, is the end to this CYOA.  I hope you enjoyed it and had fun!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2018 ⏰

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