10. comfort buddy

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Okay so... Since no one voted for an antagonist/ Villain, I will be picking one randomly, who would it be? I don't know...😅 well let's just get into it!

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Star's POV

I've been in mewni for a week now, I wonder if Marco's doing great without me... I stared at my window

"Star! You okay?" Tom came from my balcony and tried... Comforting me? Well I really need someone to talk to right now, or just a companion, "Star!" He poked my cheeks, "w-what?" I said annoyed, "what happened? I know that look... You seemed to be heartbroken" he said in a sweet voice, stupid Tom... He knows me so well, but maybe not all? I let out a long sigh "yeahhhh... I think I am heartbroken" I hugged a pillow, "is it Marco?" He asked, "pfft... No... It is a-" "Star! We all know you love him!" He covered his mouth realizing what he just said, "why did you hesitate saying the tru-" he hugged me as hard as he can, the warmth of his body made me comfortable around him, he kissed my forehead "Star... It's okay to be sad, you can talk to me if you want, besides being by your side makes me realize that you are my everything" he lifted my chin so I can see his face, tears started to fall through my eyes "why're you crying? You're stronger than this star! Fight your emotions!" He gently wiped my tears away, he's right! I'm stronger than this! I shouldn't be crying over someone who doesn't care about me! "T-tom you're the best! Y-you might be a jerk but your always there to comfort me..." I kissed him in the cheeks, he blushed a bit that made me giggle, he placed his hands on my shoulders and started to attempt in kissing me , I tried removing his hands but he Has a strong grip on it, so I head butted him, we both fell and my head hurts a bit, he reached out his hands to me, "that's my star!" He laughed and hugged me, "thanks Tom, for your time and everything" I hugged him back

We walked to the garden then sat on the bleachers, Tom started scratching the back of his neck, "uhm star.. I was wondering, can we uhm g-go back t-together?" He said embarrassedly, I laughed at him "yeah sure!" I smiled, "yeah! Yeah!" Tom started dancing weirdly, I was cringing so hard while watching him dance.

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Marco's POV

I opened my eyes and found myself in my room? There are medicine at the side of my bed, I went to the kitchen to drink some water, "Marco! You feeling better?" Mom asked me, "yeah, but I have troubles in remembering things..." I mumbled, "do you want to have a checkup?" Mom asked, "nah it's fine" I smiled at her, I took a cup of water and drank it, ugh my head still hurts... I wonder what's happening

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Someone's POV

"Abort the mission!" Tom yelled, he probably got back with star... Well who am I to judge, it's just so fun playing with Marco's mind and emotions, first! Taking her girl, Jackie! Classic! Second! Dismembering his memories with his best friend, Star! Soooo classic! I have to admit It was really fun toying with humans...

"As you wish your Highness" I bowed and left his castle, looks like my work here is over...

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