20. the search

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Star's POV

It has been 3 days, I managed to survive through the apple orchard near the cabin, I was hiding in a swamp like a criminal...

I studied the routine of the dimensional-scissors-holder, so I planned a good strategy on which I can steal the scissors...

but then I realized that he never goes anywhere without the key with him... it's no use... but what other plans can I do?

I wonder what's happening to mewnie, It's been a while... have they noticed I'm missing? how come I don't see any Mewman police? ugh... Each day... I'm growing weaker...

I hope they find me soon enough...


Tom's POV

I went to the atrocious Dimension and saw a ginormous box, I went in and saw an empty room with glass shards... above it is a vent... 

the clues are making me nervous... what could have happened to Star now?

I used another gadget, similar to what I've used a while ago... and saw the holographic thing again...

Star was jumping up the vent... but then a person came... miss heinous? what's her business to Star?

then Star started running around and went through the portal... I looked at the portal and analyzed which dimension it leads to... a green-black portal...

the hologram device started to self-destruct so... I created a research about what that portal was about...

the book says that a portal with that colors leads to the montezuma dimension...

I rushed to that dimension and there I see a lot of men... the men who are after Star...

I tipped-toed my way out of their territory, and ran as far as I could... while running I stumbled into a cabin near the swamp...

I sheltered in the cabin for the night I checked for things in the cabin but I was so tired so I just slept...


I heard the door openned so I immediately hid somewhere,  I took a huge stick just in case it's not safe...

I jumped out of my hiding place and started attacking... 

"ouch!" a girl's voice squealed, I looked at her and it was.... "S-star!!!" I hugged her tightly...

"t-tom?" she hugged me weakly, "how'd you find me?" she started crying, I wiped her tears away and said... "don't worry... we'll be going home now..." I carried her in a piggy back ride manner and opened a portal to mewni...

I returned her to her room and the butterfly family praised me... I was about to leave but then... "Tom! thank you for rescuing me" she smiled at me... I smiled at her back, then I leaved... 

what will happen now? who will she choose?? will she still choose marco? ugh... my head...

but if she chooses marco... I'll just accept the fact that he's better than me... maybe I'll win Star's heart in another life... 

the name of the dimensions in the fanfic are just made up things... I think...they're not really from the Series.... 

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