11. visiting him

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It's been a while since I last updated... Sorry for the inconvenience...

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Tom's POV

"Star... Can we g-go back together?" I asked embarrassed, I can feel the warmth of my cheeks, Stop acting like a girl Tom! Just... I inhaled a bit, "sure sure" she answered, the negative thoughts quickly escaped my body, that's a huge relief! I danced my victory dance, she laughed and I started laughing, " it's kinda getting dark now" she whispered, "well... Tomorrow?" I asked "yeah tomorrow" she smiled, I opened a little hole in the ground and went to the underworld, "master lucitor, Theodore is back from earth" Sam said, "oh is that so?" I forgot about him! I went to the throne area and their he is. "Abort the mission, Theodore" I said calmly, "but sire, it was j-" "abort the mission!" I yelled in anger, "as you wish your highness" he bowed and left, well who cares!

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Star's POV

I miss Marco, it's been a month since I last saw him, I wonder if he's doing fine there, he probably forgot about me, he didn't send me texts or called, who am I kidding? I gathered my self up and decided to go back to earth, I took Marco's dimensional scissors and opened a portal to earth, I went in and looked for Marco, I clicked the doorbell, Ringg, "coming!" Mrs. Diaz yelled, she opened the door, "what is it dear?" She asked, "Mrs. Diaz, where's Marco?" I asked, "he's in his room, Marco! Honey! Someone's looking for you!" She yelled, someone? "Coming!" Marco yelled back, "h-hi? Who are you?" He asked, "what do you mean who am I? I'm you're Best friend! Star!" I screamed playfully, "star? Star? Hmmmm, oh! Star! Never heard of you!" He said, by the looks on his face, he looked serious, "never mind" I smiled and walked away, before I could leave Marco took my hands, "s-star... I- h-help m-me! A-amne- S-spell" he collapsed, "what have you done to our son?!" " witch!" The Diaz's screamed, I went back to the portal and went home, what does he mean by am... Spell thing?

I looked for answers in my spell book, "watcha doin Star?" Tom came in my balcony, "nothing" I answered, "ermmm... You don't look like you're not doin' anything" he poked my face, "stop" I looked at him annoyed, " spill" he smiled at me, "why don't we go to-" "spill!" He smiled again, "okay okay... A match in Rock paper scissor? If you win I'll tell you, but if I win, you become my butler for the day!" I challenged him, "challenge accepted!" He grinned "rock paper scissor!" We both yelled, "yeeaaahhh!" He screamed, I looked at our hands and... And... He won?! I sighed "looks like I'll be telling you..." He smiled at me again, "well... I went to earth and visited Marco and he doesn't seem to remember me, and he scream something about a spell etc. Etc." His smile faded and a tiny flame was formed in his hair, "wha-" I was to ask him about the flame but he left immediately, I wonder if he's mad...


Thanks for the votes guys!!!😍 you're the most awesome people in the whole world!

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