Chapter Two

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I wake up to the cellar door opening, and jump out of "bed." I hurry up the stairs and get to the top just as my breakfast is thrust into my hands. Again, it's stale bread. I quickly eat the bread, and hurry out to the courtyard, trying to get my chores over with as quick as I can. It's mid winter, and I'm freezing in my servants dress as I brush the snow off the pathways in case anyone comes up. But who would?

As if the universe was trying to make a fool of me, I hear the unmistakable clatter of a horse's hooves, and look up to see a figure leading a horse. The horse limps, and I recognize that it's lame.

"Do you need help?" I ask the approaching figure.

"Who are you?" The figure demands. I try to see the face, but the figure's traveling cloak's hood is up, but from the voice, I can tell it is male.

"My name is Briana, my stepmother owns a small castle nearby. If you wish, you may stay," I tell him.

"No, I must be on my way," the figure says, and he starts to lead his lame horse away again.

"Sir, your horse is lame, and mid winter is no time to be making long journeys. Please, rest at the castle for a few days, and we can send you with a new horse," I tell him. The stranger slowly nods, and I lead him back to Helena's castle.

"Why do you wear a servant's dress if you are the daughter of the castle owner?" The stranger asks.

"Step-daughter, so I am not related by blood. And this is what she wishes," I sigh. The stranger just looks at me as I lead him and his lame horse into the stables, where the Stablemaster promises the stranger's horse will be well cared for.

"I never asked for your name. Or should I keep calling you stranger?" I tease, and the stranger laughs.

"Henry. That is my name," Henry introduces himself. I nod my head as I lead him into the castle.

"Helena?" I call out, and I hear her answering "what" from the living room. I lead the stranger into the room, and Helena is waiting with Cassandra and Alexandra, teaching them about mathematics.

"Briana, who is this?" Helena asks.

"My name is Henry, my horse is lame, and I asked your servant to lead me here so I could plead for a room to stay in for a couple days, and then another horse. I could pay you for your troubles, of course," Henry says. Helena looks at him, curiously.

"We have room. Briana, show Henry to the guest room, and then return to your chores," Helena demands. I nod, and lead Henry to the room. He thanks me and I quickly run towards the kitchen, ready to tell Suzan all about Henry. However, she's making dinner, and I attempt to help her, which results in a cut finger. I wrap a cloth around my bleeding finger, and Suzan sends me out of the kitchen to set the table, where Cassandra and Alexandra are already waiting. They smile at me, and I almost roll my eyes as I load their plate with food. I put some food for Helena, and the rest for Henry. I then rush out of the dining room to Henry's room.

I knock on the door, and I hear rustling inside.

"Who is it?" Henry's voice asks.

"Briana. Dinner is ready, if you wish to come out?" I ask.

"Bring my dinner here, and then place it outside. I will get it. I am not feeling so well," I can hear the lie in Henry's voice, but I do not say anything.

"I will," I promise Henry, and I rush to get his dinner plate.

"What are you doing?" Helena asks.

"I went to bring Henry here, but he said to bring his dinner to his room," I explain and I hurry out. I set the food on the floor outside his door, and knock to let him know it was there. I turn around to head back to the dining room, and I can't help but notice Cassandra and Alexandra's demeanor has become very much angrier.

I stay out of their way as they eat a little off their plates, handing it to me to "throw away." I eat the scraps, and give the empty dish to Suzan to rinse off as Helena demands for me to get her plate. I take it to the kitchen, and grab a wet and soapy rag, which I use to scrub the table. Soap gets under my cloth, and into my cut. I bite down on my lip as I feel the sting. I wipe my hands on the dress, and take off the bloodstained cloth. I look at the cut, which is still dripping blood.

"Heal," I whisper, and my finger slowly heals before my eyes. I put the cloth back into my pocket and continue on like nothing has happened.

"I'm leaving," I jump and turn around to see Henry is standing in the doorway, and he hands me his plate. I take it, and look at his shadowed face. He put his traveling cloak back on, and his hood is up. He hands me a handful of coins, and I look at them in amazement.

"I trust these will be enough for the room and the horse you promised me?' Henry asks. I look up at him. I nod, and yet, I can't help but wonder how much he saw. Did he see me using magic?

"Are you sure you don't want to wait until dawn?" I ask. Henry nods.

"I really must go," he says. I nod, and lead him out to the stables again, and gently stroke Thunder's face before walking past him to get Sky, a powerful stallion.

"Is that your horse?" Henry asks, pointing towards Thunder. I shake my head.

"He was my father's," I say, turning back to Sky and leading him out. I hoist a saddle on him, and busy myself with making sure he's alright to ride so I don't have to answer Henry's questions about my father. Thankfully, he doesn't ask.

"Alright, Sky's ready. Just don't run him too far too fast," I warn. Henry nods and I hand him the reins. I stroke Sky's face.

"See ya, boy," I whisper, placing a kiss on his nose. He snorts in my face, and I laugh before looking up at Henry, who's in the saddle.

"Thank you for your kindness, Briana," Henry says. I nod.

"It was nothing," I say, and I step aside to let him and Sky pass into the darkness.

I don't know how long I stand there, but soon, I'm heading back to the cellar and falling asleep.

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