Chapter Eleven

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It’s two more days until the witch hunters come. They open my cell door and roughly shove me up, grabbing my arms and pulling me out. I have no idea what’s going on, but from the rough way the witch hunters are grabbing me, my guess is they are very angry.

I’m paraded through the palace halls like an animal, and everyone stares at me unashamed. They point, they whisper, and they watch as I’m pulled towards the throne room, where I’m dropped on the ground in front of the royal family. With little of my dignity left, I bow to them, looking up into the King and Queen’s eyes. Matthew is at his familiar place behind his father, and he smiles slightly at me before his face returns to it’s stern expression. I have no idea if I’m going to be saved, or if I’m going to die.

“From what you have said about magic, we have discussed this extently with everyone involved,” the King starts. I can’t tell what’s going to happen to me from his voice. I’ve realized I hate having my destiny in the hands of another.

“We have decided, to let you live,” the Queen says. Cheers erupt throughout the room of noble men and woman, and I realize how many I must have swayed, how many I must have saved that night at the ball.

“On one condition,” the King yells over the noise. The room immediately silences again, and I look up at the King, wondering what it could be.

“You will stay here, at the palace, and fight in my name when I so wish with the army,” the King demands. I smile, standing up from the ground.

“Yes, I agree, Your Majesty,” I say, grinning. But then my idea I had thought of in the cells one night pops into the forefront of my  mind.

“Your Majesty, may I ask of something from you?” I hesitantly ask. The King’s gaze turns to me, and I can’t help but notice he has Matthew’s same eyes.

“What is it?” He asks. I take a deep breath before explaining my idea to him.

“Most witches and warlocks did not have what I had for so long, a mentor. They have no idea how to control their powers, or what is the dark magics. I thought of this idea when I was in the cell. I want to build a place, where witches and warlocks can come and study their craft, they can be taught like I have, they can learn within a safe environment. A place where they don’t have to worry about hiding who they are, they don’t have to be scared of anyone finding out that they have magic. My request,” I pause, “ is to build a magic school.” I finally look up at the royal family, and I can tell they are surprised with my idea.

“That is a brilliant idea!” Matthew suddenly says, grinning. His father turns towards him, looking at Matthew with so much intensity I’m surprised Matthew doesn’t shrink away from his father’s gaze.

“Why would you say that, Prince Matthew?” The Queen interrupts before the King can speak.

“Think about it. If witches and warlocks could have a place to study in peace, we wouldn’t have to deal with uneducated witches and/or warlocks raving chaos. They can practice their skills and learn the correct way to use magic,” Matthew explains. I smile. I can see the Queen is seriously thinking about it.

“I think it is a great idea, as well,” the Queen speaks. I smile and inwardly yell out in joy. The King looks between his wife, to his son, to me. Finally, he sighs.

“Very well,” again, the room erupts in cheers, “as long as you are headmistress of this school,” the King demands. I look at him, wondering why I would teach of all people.

“I am barely an adult, Your Highness. I am only eighteen years old. Why would you wish me to be headmistress of this school?” I ask. The King smiles.

“I am saying this because I know you are a powerful witch, if that display at the ball said anything. It is your idea to build this school, after all too,” he says. I look over at Matthew, and he’s opening grinning. I finally smile.

“Very well, I agree,” I tell the King. He smiles, and nods.

“What shall we name this school?” He demands of me. I had already thought of a name when I thought of the idea, and I believed it was very fitting.

“New Beginnings Magic School. For it is a new beginning for everyone,” I explain. The King and Queen nod, smiling slightly. I look over at Matthew, and he’s nodding too, grinning still. The Queen notices.

“Prince Matthew, why don’t you show Lady Briana to her new rooms?” She asks. More demands, but when he’s all too happy to carry out the demand, I don’t know what it can be called.

“Follow me, Lady Briana,” Matthew says, holding his arm to point towards a side door. As we walk, we walk past the witch hunters, and they openly glare at me. I know that they are angry I have stopped their hunts for magic users. I turn away and follow Matthew through the empty halls. He turns to me when we are away from the throne room, a happy grin on his face. He grabs me in a hug, and I immediately return it.

“This will be a brilliant school, Lady Briana,” Matthew emphasizes the Lady in my new title. I blush, looking down.

“I have yet to grown used to being a lady, Matthew,” I admit. Matthew grins and hugs me again. I laugh, the sound bursting out of my mouth before I can hold it back. Matthew laughs with me, and he picks me up, twirling me around.

“Come on, I’ll lead you to your rooms,” he says, and sets me down. But he doesn’t let me go completely. He grabs my hand, lacing our fingers together as he leads me towards a room. He stops outside the closed door, and I open it, looking around the bedchambers. They were amazing.

I stroke the soft silk on the beds, and a mirror catches my eye in the corner. It reflects to show a dress is hanging from the opposite side of the room. I walk over to it and notice the dress I wore to the masquerade ball.

But I left that in the cellar back at my old home.

“I’ll get your maidservant for you,” Matthew says. I look at him, about to complain that I didn’t need a maidservant, but a little girl comes running in, wrapping me in a hug. I look down to see the familiar brown curls that belong to Anna.

“Anna!” I cry out, hugging her back. I look over her shoulder to see Suzan walking in next to Matthew, a huge grin on her face.

“Suzan!” I yell, running towards her and hugging her tightly. Anna follows, and we all hug together. I look at Suzan, and she wipes away a tear that had leaked out of my eyes.

“I thought I would never see you again!” I say. Suzan smiles.

“Oh, you know it takes more that an upgrade of status to get rid of me,” Suzan grins. I wrap her in a hug again before looking over at Matthew.

“You did this?” I ask him. Matthew grins before nodding. I let go of Suzan and run over to him, hugging him. I look up at Matthew, and he cups my cheek before placing his lips on mine.

We stand there, kissing, until I hear a little girl’s voice.

“Okay, we get it, you two are in love. Now, eww!” I pull back and see Suzan is staring at Anna, but she can’t keep a smile off her face. I wrap my arm around Matthew’s waist, and laugh.

It seems everything is perfect after all.

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