Chapter Ten

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I wake up to find my cell door is being unlocked, and I look up, hopeful that it’s Matthew. But it’s not, it’s a guard carrying food. I thank him, and he nods before walking away. I look down at the cold stew and the bread, and smile. It’s more than I was usually given.

I quickly eat the food, and put the tray back by the door. I walk back towards my spot under the window, and look out. Night has fallen, and I look down at the courtyard. No one is out. I sigh, and lay down on the straw that litters the floor of the cell. I close my eyes again, and fall asleep for the second time.


The next time I wake up, the cell door is opening to reveal my breakfast, which is just some eggs and another piece of bread. I thank the guard again, and he nods before walking out of the door. I quickly eat, and put the tray by the same place, and walk towards my spot again.

I wait for what must be hours before another person comes by the cell. This time, it’s Helena. She doesn’t enter the cell, just looks at me with a smile on her face.

“You brought this on yourself, you know,” she says, “if you hadn’t spoken, Alexandra could have been pardoned from her position. Maybe even have gained the prince’s respect and love,” Helena grins.

“I thought you wanted Cassandra to be queen?” I ask, raising an eyebrow. Helena shrugs.

“They’re twins, what’s the difference,” she answers. I roll my eyes, and tilt my head back, looking at the ceiling of my cell.

“I visited your father before he was hanged, you know. I think you're in the very same stance that he was in,” Helena says.

“Is that why you came here? To gload that you won?” I ask. Helena laughs.

“No, I just wanted to see you before you die,” Helena says.

“Are you that certain I’m going to die?” I wonder. From what the King and Queen were like when I talked to them, it didn’t seem like they hated me.

“Of course you are. The King and Queen are just giving you hope that you’ll live before the noose is slipped around your neck,” Helena growls, and I hear her leave. I sigh, and look out the barred window, at the courtyard. People point towards the window, where I’m sure they know is the cells. I wonder what story got out. I sigh again, and sit down.

Lunch is served, and I eat it after thanking the guard, who again nods. I eat the food, and put the tray in the same place, and sit in the same spot under the window.

That becomes my routine. I sit in that spot under the window, waiting for my next meal. I thank the guard, and he nods before taking the old tray and I put the new tray in the same spot before sitting in the spot under the window.

It repeats for several days.


One day, between lunch and dinner, I hear the cell door open, and I look up to finally see Matthew walking into the cell.

“Have the King and Queen decided if I’m to be killed?” I ask, thinking that’s the only reason he could be here. Matthew shakes his head, and I sigh, looking up at the ceiling again.

“Why didn’t you tell me before?” Matthew asks.

“What?” I say, still looking at the ceiling.

“Why didn’t you tell me you were a witch before that day in the Ruins of Evermore?” Matthew explains. I sigh and look at him.

“You were the Prince. You grew up around your father saying that magic was outlawed, the punishment was death. I couldn’t,” I explain myself. Matthew steps towards me, and sits down next to me.

“Why did you run?” He asks. I shrug, fingering my bracelet.

“I don’t know. I was scared of your reaction. I’m still scared of your reaction,” I admit. Matthew turns towards me, and I feel his hand cup my cheek, turning my face so I have to look at him. Again, his hazel eyes hold me captive and make my heart skip a beat.

“Why are you afraid?” Matthew asks. I blink.

“I’m afraid you don’t feel the same way I do,” I whisper. Matthew smiles, and my breath catches in my throat as his lips skim my own.

“I wanted to believe that when you were talking about the one you love, that it was me. But I was so sure it wasn’t, and my heart sank when I kept telling myself that that had to be true,” Matthew whisper. I smile and move my hand to brush his cheek, my skin getting scratched on his stubble.

“When you finally looked at me, I realized that you were truly talking about me, and I wanted to shout out to everyone that I love you,” Matthew whispers. I smile, and Matthew leans down and kisses me again.

I throw myself into the kiss. I have no idea if I’ll live or die, and knowing that I might not be alive soon, it’s cause to enjoy the moments I have now.

Matthew pulls back, and just looks at me, and I at him. I just stare into his hazel eyes, amazed that he feels the way I do.

“I promise I’ll do anything I have to to make sure that you live,” Matthew promises, holding my cheek in his hand. I see the truth in his eyes, and hear it in his voice. I nod.

“I love you, Matthew,” I whisper. Matthew smiles.

“I love you too, Briana,” he murmurs before pressing his lips to mine again.  I smile against the kiss, and just let myself fall into Matthew’s arms.

Matthew leaves before dinner comes, and when it does, I fall into the same routine again.

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