Chapter Three

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I get my breakfast and hurry out to do my chores again. I can hear Helena in the living room, with the fire on. I walk towards her before going outside, holding out the coins Henry gave me last night.

"Henry left last night. He said to give these to you for the room and a horse," I tell her. Helena looks at the coins with a greedy expression on her face.

"He left, what a shame. Which horse did he take, by chance?" Helena asks.

"Sky, he took Sky," I tell her, and I turn around before I can see her glare. Sky is Cassandra's horse, and she rarely rides him. So, I hurry out to the courtyard and clear the fallen snow from the paths like I do everyday. I sigh, and for the second day in a row, I hear a horse coming towards the castle.

I run towards the door as they pass me without a second glance, and they knock, Helena answers.

"May I help you?" She asks, full of fake kindness.

"I am here to announce that the King and Queen are throwing a ball for the Prince's eighteenth birthday. They wish to invite all who want to come. All are welcome to come," the messenger says before leaving. Again, he passes without acknowledging me. I run inside, done with my outside chores. I clean the castle, and then go towards Helena and the twins, who are talking about the ball.

"It's a masquerade ball, dimwit! That means a costume ball!" Cassandra says gleefully.

"Now, girls, I don't want you fighting over the Prince when we get there, alright?" Helena asks.

"We won't fight, mother," both the twins say in union. But I can tell the lies, the mistrust. Both will try and sabotage the other.

"Briana!" Helena yells, and I wait a couple seconds before running in so they don't think I was spy on them.

"We will be going into town to buy dresses for the ball, you will take care of this castle while we are gone," Helena orders.

"Will I be going to the ball, too?" I ask. Helena and the twins look at each other before bursting into laughter.

"Of course not dear! Who will look after the castle while we are gone, hmm?" Helena asks, her voice full of fake kindness, like when she answered the door to the messenger.

"Goodbye, Briana! Have fun rolling around in the dirt!" Cassandra grins, and they all go to the carriage, where they quickly pile in. I watch them ride away, and I can't help but feel disappointed that I'm not going to the ball. I would have like to go to the Royal Palace at least once in my life.

I turn to continue with my chores, and I sigh. At least I'll be able to have dinner that's not scraps.


The next two days pass, and I'm clearing the path, again, as I hear a horse come up the steps. I turn around to see a figure riding on the horse. Hang on, that cloak looks familiar.

"Henry?" I ask, looking at him. He jumps off the horse, and I see it's Sky. I stroke his face, and kiss his nose. I thought I would never see this horse again! I turn back to Henry, and I notice his hood is not up. I finally can see his face.

He had ruffled dirty blonde hair, and his eyes were like liquid hazel. He was tall, and muscular. But then I recognize him. I collapse to the ground and bow a servant's bow to royalty.

"Prince Matthew, I am sorry. I thought you were someone else," I plea. I don't dare to look up at the prince as I hear him sigh.

"Damn this wind," I hear him mutter, "stand up, please, Briana," I stand up on shaky legs. How does he know my name?

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