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“Come on, Taylor, you can do it!” I encourage the little witch. She screws her eyes in concentration, and stares at the feather that lays on the book.

“Lift,” she screams, and the feather lifts about three feet in the air, hovering before Taylor loses her concentration. I clap, and Taylor looks at me, joy shining out of her eyes.

“I did it!” She jumps in joy, and I hug her.

“See, I knew you could,” I whisper. Taylor laughs as like all my students do, she rubs my stomach before leaving the room.

When New Beginnings was first built and opened, witches and warlocks around the world thought it was a way for the King and Queen to round up the magic wielders once and for all. But when they heard that Briana, the witch that married the Prince Matthew, was the headmistress, they learned that it was true. Since then, magic wielders of all ages have come to study their craft. Once the initial excitement died down, I set up teachers for different subjects, and a law. Witches and warlocks of the age of thirteen will begin New Beginnings and train year long, with a summer vacation, until they are sixteen. In the three years here, they will have learned what they need to master their craft alone. Once able for a job, they could apply for various jobs requiring magic.

“Headmistress Briana?” I look up when one of my youngest teachers, Martin, walks into my office. I smile at him, and he smiles back. I remember teaching him when this school first opened.

“Yes, Martin?” I ask. I had forbade my teachers and students to call me Princess Briana, even though that was what I was. If anything, they could only call me Headmistress Briana when on school grounds. And none of them could dare bow to me.

“Prince Matthew is here to see you,” he informs before walking out. Moments later, Matthew walks in, grinning. I stand up to hug him, and his face immediately falls into concern. He hates that I’m working when the baby could come at any moment now. He would rather me be in a hospital, with healers (that I also taught) than stressing about the school and work. I told him to shut up and let me return to my grading.

“Hey,” I say, kissing his cheek. He smiles, and I grin back.

Until the contractions start.

I cry out, bringing several older students running, and they see me holding my large stomach, and all of their faces break out into huge grins.

“The baby’s coming!” They scream throughout the halls. Teachers who weren’t teaching classes run in and take me to the hospital, all the while we were running through the halls, students were shouting that the headmistress’s baby was coming. I smile at their dedication and excitement, until another spout of pain racks my body.


Hannah was born that very day, she had her daddy’s eyes, and her mommy’s smile. And of course, once her mommy looked at her, she was grinning.

Her hazel eyes were twinkling, the sign of her little body filled with magic. Hannah was a witch, just like mommy.

Of course, her daddy and mommy were automatically smitten with Hannah. After all, everything was perfect, wasn’t it?

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