Part 10

546 11 3

Double digit yay!


Star's POV:

Last night I got a call from my parents, reminding me that I should pay attention to the magic Marco uses and blah, blah blah. And I told her how he only did that Levi-tae-ta-to spell or whatever and she said I should practice that today, since it beginners it should be easy.

This time I actually got to ask them how my magic....uh activated, I guess that's a way to put it.

They said it was complicated. How you might have to feel many emotions at once or just a lot of one emotion to trigger it. How to calm it if it accidently triggered itself was a different story. Since I just got it and it was supposedly banished it's gonna take time. I don't got anybody to help me and I have to be very careful so the Magical High Commission don't get magic waves, but I also have to practice.

But that magic can be blamed on Marco.

My mom specifically kept talking about being safe also because people want to take magical people to make them evil. She kept saying it, and saying it.

So enough of last night let's come back to this morning.

I got up a bit earlier than usual, why? I don't know.

I did my morning routine- brush teeth, shower, change, and brush hair.

I then went down to eat, but as I was heading there I heard a few not-so-quiet snores coming from the Princes' room, so I decided to go inside and awake him.

I opened the door quietly and tip-toed to his bed then...

"MARCO! MARCO!" I yelled once I jumped on top of him.

"AHHHHH!" He high-pitched screamed grabbing his wand and shooting in random directions.

I ducked and hid beside his bed laying on the floor, where I knew he wouldn't hit and once he was done his panick I burst out laughing.

"Get ready big boy." I chuckled. He turned to look at me confused then seem to put the pieces together. "Hey, that wasen't a very nice thing to do.' he exclaimed. I shrugged at his statement, "Sorry dude this is Earth."

"Oh and get ready for school, usually you're already up or something. Guess the magic drained you out huh." I remarked. He nodded and ran his hands down his face, "Yeah." was his simple reply.

"Meet you downstairs." I said before walking out of his room.

Minutes later he finally came down. I already had the cereal done since I didn't actually feel like wasting energy on making food today.

We ate in a quick comfortable silence since the bus was almost here. Which came right when we were done eating so we just bit our bowls in the sink and grabbed our bags.

"Sup dudes." My bestie greeted. "Hello Janna." Marco greeted back. Sometimes he was still slightly polite and fancy and stuff, while other times he was more laid back. "Hey Janna Banana." I greeted happily.

"Can't hang out later." Janna stated as we were in our way to school, we were just making our normal conversation until she brought that up.

"Reasons that may or may not involve death." She persuaded. I rolled my eyes, "classic you." She just smiled at me as Marco was kinda shacken up about the death part. He was really easy to scare.

We continued talking about a few more random things. I actually had to shake Marco to snap out of it, whatever trance he was in.

"Mk, later guys." Janna waved. "Later"
"Bye" Marco and I responded. We walked over to class and got ready, then the bell rang.



"Okay Glossaryck, what're we doing today." Marco asked rubbing his hands together. Glossaryck turned to look at him. "Oh did I forget to tell you. We aren't practicing today. I have to pass information about you to your mom and she has to tell me what you have to learn first." He informed.

Marco nodded, "okay. I'm just gonna go sleep." Marco mumbled. He's been sleepy all day, it was like as if he barely sleeped.

"Okay I'll just go to my room." I concluded quickly already out the door.

"Time to practice magic." I grumbled to myself.

I got a small table and this one apple I had in my mini fridge. Yeah I have a mini fridge in my room.

I set it on the table then backed a few feet away. I pointed my hands towards the apple.

"Levitato?" I casted but it sounded more like a question, which was probably why it didn't work.

'Okay you got to be confident and have a strong voice. Stand in the right position and...' Glossaryck words came into my brain.

And I did just that.

"Levitato!" I casted again, not to loud though. I have a prince and someone part of the Magical High Commission in my house.

I looked over at the apple.

It worked.

It really worked!!

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