Chapter 2

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Frank was laying in bed a week after the night he stayed at Mikey's. He was going over to the Way residence again today, however he would be alone this time. He had nervous butterflies in his stomach and he wasn't really sure how to get them to fly away.

Over the past week he had that strange feeling of being watched. He knew it was probably nothing as he'd been paranoid and anxious all his life. With he sigh he pushed himself off the bed and started to make his way over to Mikey's house.

The walk there was peaceful, he didn't have that feeling; he felt alone in the best way possible. Arriving at Mikey's, he knocked on the door and waited patiently. The door swung open, revealing Gerard with a cheek splitting grin taking over his features. Frank smilies timidly in response, shuffling on his feet slightly.

"H-hi, Gerard." Frank mumbled shyly.

"Hello, sweetheart, you remembered my name." Gerard's smile got impossibly wider.

"Y-yeah." Frank blushed and looked down at his scuffed converse.

"Gerard, get the fuck out the way before I send you back." Frank heard Mikey shout from inside the house. Gerard's smile immediately dropped and was replaced with a scowl, fear slightly present in his eyes. Gerard moved out the way and Mikey was standing just behind him, glaring daggers at the back of Gerard's head. Once he caught sight of Frank he smiled and stepped forward, butterflies present in Frank's stomach.

"Hey, Frank. Let's go to my room, yeah?" Frank smiled and nodded slightly, slipping past Gerard and following Mikey up to his bedroom. He looked back at Gerard only to see him disappearing down the basement stairs.

Once in Mikey's bedroom he grazed his eyes over the blue walls and pictures of cars strung up every now and then. Frank honestly didn't really give a shit about cars, but if Mikey liked them he was sure he could learn to like them too. Mikey caught his wandering eyes and decided to use what he thought was interest to start a conversation.

"This one here," Mikey pointed to the poster above his bed. "is my dream car. A Ferrari 458 Spider, they're fucking gorgeous. What's your favourite?"

"Oh.. uh- I don't really know much about cars." Frank blushed slightly, Mikey shrugged and let out a slight huff.

"Alright then, shall I put some music on?" Mikey offered, peering at Frank with an eyebrow raised.

"Yeah, sure." Frank smiled, hoping to lighten the mood at least a little. Mikey simply turned the radio on, disappointing Frank slightly. "Don't you have any, like, CD's or something?"

"Nah, what's the point." Mikey said as he sat against the headboard of his bed.

"Oh.. right." Frank stood awkwardly by the bed, Mikey obviously not noticing his discomfort. He stood there for around fifteen minutes before he decided that this was a bad idea. He cleared his throat and tried to ignore the dull ache in his legs from standing still.

"I-I have to go, sorry. My mom made plans." Frank said awkwardly.

"'K, dude. See you." Mikey said, not even looking in his direction. Frank felt tears build up in his eyes, he knew it was probably over dramatic but he's liked Mikey for years and they only recently became friends; now he's just acting like he's not even there.

Frank sniffled and walked downstairs, shoulders slumped and a forlorn expression on his face. Once he got downstairs he saw Gerard in the kitchen making coffee as he hummed slightly. He turned and saw Frank, immediately taking note of the expression on his face and posture, he looked like an abandoned puppy. Gerard walked up to Frank slowly and Frank lowered his head, but Gerard clearly wasn't having it as he put two fingers under his chin and lifted his gaze.

"Hey, baby, what's wrong?" The look of pure concern in Gerard eyes made the tears spill over. "Oh! Baby, no. C'mon."

Gerard wrapped his arm around Frank's waist and took him to the bedroom, not forgetting his coffee of course. Once through the basement door Gerard shut and locked it, bringing Frank over to the bed and sitting him down with Gerard crouched on the floor in front of him. He cupped Frank's pink cheeks and wiped away the tear tracks with his thumbs, leaning forward and delicately kissing each of his cheeks.

"There, all better now, sweetheart?" Gerard asked gently, Frank was kind of a blushing mess but at least the tears had stopped.

"Th-thank you." Frank sniffled while nodding slightly. He really wanted to sleep, he always got tired after he cried; it just took all the energy out of him. His eyes briefly raked across the room, black and red walls covered in sketches and posters from bands that Frank also enjoyed. A pile of vinyls stood next to an old looking record player on the desk surrounded with pencils and pens.

"You need a nap, c'mon, sleep." Gerard manoeuvred Frank so that he was lying down under the covers, slipping his shoes and socks off beforehand. Frank was both confused and grateful about the fact that Gerard seemingly read his mind, but sleep took over his mind before he could dwell on it.

Frank awoke a few hours later, in a different position than before. His head was resting in someone's lap as spindly fingers carded through his hair. His thumb was halfway in his mouth and his body was curled around the legs of whoever this person was. Frank shuffled slightly and rubbed his eyes with his hands curled into fists.

"Hey, babyboy." A gentle voice said, Frank smiled a small smile and cuddled up closer to the person that he now knew was Gerard. "You're so fucking cute."

Frank giggled and blushed, he'd never felt this way before, it was like he wasn't seventeen anymore, like his mind was somewhere else. He was overwhelmed with the need to just be taken care of.

"You want something to eat? Drink?" Gerard asked, fingers still gliding through Frank's hair.

"Yes please." Frank muttered.

"Such a polite boy." Gerard said with a smile and moved Frank's head from his lap and walked upstairs, coming down with a bottle of milk. Frank was instantly confused, he wasn't a fucking baby.

"W-what is that?" Frank pointed at the bottle in Gerard's hand.

"I'm going to feed you milkies, babyboy. Don't you want that?" Gerard tilted his head slightly.

"I'm not a baby. I'm seventeen." Frank's eyebrows furrowed.

"Ah but you see? You are a baby, you're my baby. You're gonna drink this all up I promise you'll like it. Don't you trust me, boy?" Frank was slightly intimidated by the look in Gerard's eyes so he complied by nodding timidly.

Gerard sat against the headboard and pulled Frank into his lap sitting sideways. Frank blushed slightly as he felt Gerard's hand running up and down his side.

"Open wide, honey." Frank did just that, in the back of his mind he could hear himself asking 'when the fuck did I become such an obedient little lap dog?' but honestly right now he was loving it. Frank drank all the milk, his hand clutched Gerard's shirt in a fist, sometimes playing with the material.

"You're such a good boy. So so good." Frank smiled up at Gerard when he finished it all, still confused about why he was feeling like this. "You've never been this way before, have you?"

Frank shook his head, wondering how Gerard could tell.

"No need to worry about it, baby. I'll look after you." Gerard smiled at Frank and gently caressed his cheek.

"B-but I hardly know you." Frank stuttered nervously. Gerard looked furious at that statement.

"What the fuck? Yes you do, we're meant to be together, Frank."

"I think.. I think I should go home. I'll uh- I'll text you." Frank jumped off Gerard's lap and ran to the door, running upstairs and out He house.

Once he arrived back home he felt uneasy at Gerard's words. 'We're meant to be together.' He had only met him once before and their second meeting involved Gerard treating Frank like he was 3 years old. It was strange, Gerard was strange. He wasn't sure if he liked it or not.

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