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This book will be exactly 12 chapters unless I decide to add outtakes/epilogues.

NOTE: The word maverick means "rebel"; while I don't necessarily like Logan Paul, I wasn't aware that the word was part of his brand. So I guess I'm going to have to bear the ridicule.

"Newt!" you gasped for air, and he loosens his grip on you a little. "I can't breathe."

"I'm sorry," he whispered, slowing down and releasing you completely. "We'll talk later, right now we have somewhere to be..." he stopped suddenly and looked around like a lost child. You were in the Scorch once again after walking for three miles, and all you could see was sand.

"Are you alright?"

"Shush!" he said, "I'm trying to think."

Has Newt gone crazy? What did they do to him up there?

"Right. Hurry up." He took your hand and pulled you to more sand. He stopped right next to a rock about the size of his foot. He kicked the rock off and took a large stick nearby and suddenly stabbed the sand, right where the rock was.

"Newt! Stop it! I think you should take a n—"

Suddenly, the sand a few feet away from you started to give in to the ground, revealing a huge hole. An entrance, so to say.

"H-w-what?" you stammered. Newt pulled you along with him, jumping in the hole.

It was a little dark. You were in a metal tunnel now, and Newt started walking, his hand still in yours.

After a while, he stopped. "I'm sorry for that," he said, sitting down on the floor.  You followed suit. "I had to. They would rather let you go than get you killed, not that I would kill you."

"Janson said WICKED wanted you," you said.

"That's what they thought, too," he said. "The weird stuff going on in my brain? It went up like lights in my scans. Then they randomly decided to look at your scans, too. Your scans had more lights than mine did."

You stayed silent.

"Meaning you had more weird stuff going on in your brain. Scientific terms popped up in my brain, Y/N, words I didn't know about. It was so weird."

"Could it be... that your memories are coming back?"

"I... I don't know."

"Hey! Who's there?" a familiar voice said. "Wait... Newt?"

"Gally?" a flashlight suddenly turned on, revealing, indeed, Gally.

"How the hell did you find this place?"

Newt stayed silent. "I-I don't know."

Gally looked at you for an explanation.

"I don't know, Gally," you said. "he just suddenly brought me here."

Gally huffed. "Come on," he said. "let's bring you to the Main Rooms."

Gally led you two to a normal-looking living room. A lot of his guys were there, clad in black coats and bulletproof vests. As soon as you and Newt were seated on the sofa, Gally spoke again:

"These tunnels are a hideout for a top-secret group. You can't just find it by accident."

"Maybe Newt used to be part of the group," you suggested.

"If he was, I wouldn't know. Only the leaders knew every member of the Mavericks."

"The Mavericks?" you asked.

"The Mavericks," Gally nodded. "a group that rebels against WICKED. A group started by intellectuals. A group so top-secret, there isn't even a list of members, so that if one of us was captured, we can't rat everyone out."

"If you can't know who the members are," Newt began, "what is all this for, then?" he motioned to the room.

"A sanctuary in case we need to hide. This was built by one of our engineers. We don't know who, obviously."

"You said you were founded by intellectuals," you asked, and Gally nodded. "Maybe Isaac was a leader?"

"We call our leaders As, for Alphas," Gally noted, "and yes, it is possible."

Silence ensued until Gally formed a confused expression on his face.

"Aren't you supposed to be blowing WICKED up by now? What are you doing?"

"WICKED wants her," Newt said, "I'm not having any of that. So I snuck us out."

"You've got balls of steel, man, no one gets into WICKED and escaped unscathed."

"It's easy to be brave if you know you might lose everything," Newt glanced at you and looked at the floor again.


We will have some romancing soon, trust me!

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