1. Meeting Faith

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Faith Seed, the Siren. For such a young and innocent looking woman, she is completely feared by the people of Hope Count. Especially in Henbane River. The bliss effects everyone but there are clearly levels of control that she has over people.

Some are effected by the bliss but only suffer from strange visions of animals that aren't really there, of voices that don't really exist, even visions of Faith herself.

Some are effected by the bliss to the point that they follow Faith's every command and hang on to her every word. These are her soldiers, they would do anything for her.

Then there are the Angels. Those poor souls are effected by the bliss so much that they are completely brainwashed. They just do what they are told, they aren't the people who they used to be.

Faith very rarely makes a real appearance, normally it's just the vision of her caused by the bliss. However, when her men are sent to take over a outpost or a location she will occasionally go with with. Assuring that they allow as many people as possible into the bliss, considering she has the most control over the bliss. She is able to convince people to join Eden's Gate faster than anyone, without fail. That is what makes her a force to be reckoned with.

Marcus Flynn was no one special. He didn't really have family or friends but he was content with the fact that he was alone. He lives in a trailer, on the outskirts of a small trailer park, the trailer is bigger than most but still nothing special. He makes a decent living from hunting and selling the skins.

Marcus knew that he wasn't special, he would just try to survive without being dragged into the doomsday cult that calls themselves Eden's Gate. Then a realisation hit him. It was sometime after Faith Seed became the herald of Henbane River, he realised that he wasn't having hallucinations like other people were claiming to have experienced. At first he thought that he was just lucky enough to have avoided any long term exposure to the bliss. But when he found himself walking through a field of bliss flowers without any side effects. No hallucinations. No sounds. No dizziness. Everything was normal.

He assumed that bliss flowers and the bliss that the cult used worked differently. However, he was hunting and ran into a few other hunters so he decided to group up with them to take down a bear. Unfortunately a few of Faith's men showed up, they used the bliss to capture them and convert them. Marcus was able to escape them and hide until they gave up searching, that's when he realised that the bliss was having no effect on him. He was immune to it.

Marcus had no idea why he was immune to the bliss but it gave him something to be strangely proud of. Something that made him different and maybe even special...

This new bit of knowledge did make his life easier in some ways. He wasn't afraid of being drugged anymore. Now he had no need to avoid the bliss, he even started using bushes of bliss flowers to hide from the cult and from his prey.

You would think that Marcus' life became simpler after learning that he was immune to the bliss, but it didn't. A lot of people claim to have seen a hallucination of Faith but when Marcus saw her, he knew that she was real. He could never forget the time he met Faith.

Marcus was planning on going on a hunt but when he got to the hunting site he noticed a group of Faith's men around the area. He sat up on a vantage point, a ledge that was covered in bliss bushes, with a compound bow. He slowly began to take out the men, hiding among the flowers. That's when he heard her voice. "What did they do to you?" The soft female voice asked from behind him. He jumped to his feet, spinning around to face the woman.

"Did they harm you? If they did, I apologise on their behalf. They can be a by rash sometimes" the woman smiled softly. Marcus couldn't believe his eyes. There she was, Faith Seed.

She was a young woman, seemingly just out of her teens, with soft light brown hair and gentle blue eyes. She was wearing a white lacy dress with sleeves that came down just below her elbows and had pale flowers decorating it, and she was barefoot. Marcus took in her appearance but didn't say anything. He had only ever seen her once before and that was when she first became herald, he saw her talking to Joseph but this was different. She was so close now. Faith had the strange calming effect on Marcus, even though he should he didn't see her as a threat. And the scariest part was that he knew it wasn't the bliss having this effect.

"Faith Seed?" He asked, he just had to be sure.

"It's strange. Usually a person can't stand among my flowers for so long, they usually effect them" Faith hummed, ignoring his question. Marcus didn't know how to respond so instead he just stared at her, slowly placing his bow down in the floor before standing up straight. She took a step towards him and his hand hovered over the handgun on his hip. "I do not wish to harm you, you have nothing to worry about" Faith spoke softly as she noticed his hand. She slowly reached out to his hip and wrapped her dainty hand around his hand, as if she was trying not to spook him.

Faith gently moved his hand away from the holster and held it in front of her, wrapping both of her hands around his. "Please do not hurt my men, but I will leave you to your business" Faith smiled, brushing her fingers against his hand before dropping it. Marcus let his hand fall to his side as he watched Faith turn and gracefully walk away, trailing her fingers against the flowers as she passed. And just as suddenly as she appeared, she disappeared.

After that Marcus developed a strange interest in Faith, wanting to be around her some more. She seemed so kind and caring, but he also knew why it would be sensible to be afraid of her.

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