A Secret Bash~ Part I

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Hello guys! I know I haven't wrote anything in a good bit, but I've recently got a request from one of my good readers! and I just hope you all enjoy this piece I've created because I've had an amazing time creating it, and I hope you all are pleased with how this is turning out! ALSO I will create a part II.

Requested by the lovely: @Hexril

"Good Morning, How is everyone?" Mrs. Lively entered. She carried a useless briefcase of ungraded work, the one she always said she'd get around to, but every time grades came out and we questioned why half our grades weren't on our report card there would always be the "I was getting around to it" excuse. She placed her normal cup of surbucks, a Latte with extra whipped cream, on her desk. We knew her like a book. Just like we all knew her exact outfit for everyday of the week, she really needs a change.

"I hope you've all studied for your history test" She reaches in her desk to pull out what was the Test sheets, and groans start to echo throughout the class. You look to your left to where Betty is seated, to see her reaction, when you see her sneaking a text message behind some of her books just as your phone vibrates in your pocket. Betty turns towards you and nudges her head. You grab your phone out your pocket to reveal Betty's text.

"Go to my house after class. DON'T bring Jughead!"

You turn to Betty who was still staring at you. You then turn to stare back at the text,  but not for too long and then proceeded to  respond.


You turn back to Betty to make sure she received the message. You watch her as she type her response.

"Just don't Y/N"

You watch as Betty puts her phone on silent and pushes it into her back pocket. You take a long deep breath and stuff your phone into your pocket as well. You clear your desk ad prepare yourself for the upcoming test that Mrs. Lively was distributing.

All during the test you tried to give your hardest, but all that roamed your mind was what Betty message displayed. Why couldn't Jughead come? he was apart of the group? they weren't known for excluding members. You weren't even paying attention to the time nor the boxes you were checking in your answers to. Before you knew it the bell rang and students started turning in their sheets to leave, you watch Betty be the first to exit.

You catch Jughead leaning against your locker with a Brown Teddy Bear wrapped in a red bow and a box full of almond chocolate. You give him a smile and push him out the way to get to your locker.

"I told you I didn't want anything Y/N" You look down to notice none of the chocolates were missing.

"Eat the chocolates" You stuff your textbook in your locker, shut it, and face towards Jughead who was staring down at the Chocolates in doubt. " I know they are your favorite, and I even got Pop's to make them just the way you like them" Jughead looks up at you and then back down at the chocolate. "I didn't spend money on that for you to tell me I shouldn't have" you throw your hair in one of your famous ponytails and when you are done you kiss Jughead on the check. "So therefore eat them" you turn to leave just as Betty had asked, you hated not being able to tell Jughead things after all he was YOUR best friend and not only that but it interfered with code number 4 of you and Jughead's rules. Never hide anything from your best friend. The thought hunted you.

You stop and turn back to Jughead who had started leaning on your locker again, and walked back towards him so that you both were face to face.

"Tonight, at pop's, come" you add. Jughead grows a smile and dimples slowly form. God, you loved those dimples, your face reddens at the thought of that and you hide it behind your hands, not that Jughead would have noticed or anything.

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