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"Rule number one, awkward encounters are A huge sign that he likes you" Betty blurted. You, Betty, Veronica, and Archie were walking the halls of Riverdale High, turning your heads in shook of the certain outburst you raise your eyebrows before, unlocking your locker.

"Not enough sleep bett's" you asked, not even asking it was more of a mean statement that sorta rushed between the creases of your lips. staring at you blankly she then turned to stuff the last of her things into your locker, she has always seemed to do this lately even though her locker was half a wall down.

"stop acting innocent its not working!" Betty shouted in a low whisper. Although Archie and Veronica were ears away they were hearing everything and just decided to leave it between you and Betty. Before you  could form the next words with my lips Jughead appeared out of nowhere and wrapped his arm around your shoulder.

"What's Y/N got to act  innocent about?" he asked pushing his phone away in his other back pocket.

"oh nothing" you quickly tried to reply before Betty could even think of what to say. Noticing Jughead still had his arm wrapped around your shoulder you smiled, why were you smiling? you had no idea but the presence of Jughead being near always made you happier then before he came around.

"When did everything go wrong in Riverdale?" your sudden outburst captured the attention of many passerby's. you swung your shoulder length, brown hair behind your shoulder and continued speaking when no one spoke up "Jason's death...your dad Jughead" dropping his head he traced his index finger along his earlobe. It was as if he didn't want to hear anything about his dad's recent accusations, but everyone knew, Jughead knew. Everyone's eyes were still stuck on you, except Jughead's, he had his eyes planted on the marble flooring, shoulder hitting everyone passing on the opposite walkway. 

Betty tapped your shoulder as if you had said enough, in your opinion you hadn't, but you could see your words hitting Jughead. His hands were now in his pockets, and his smile had turned to a cold smirk "Don't you think I know my dad isn't what anyone here in Riverdale would call a good guy. You want to know why he's treated so wrong? Because he's a Serpent and Serpents don't get respect in Riverdale." Jughead was right, his dad was a Serpent, and serpents never got respected by anyone other then another Serpent. 

"I never meant it that way, Juggie" words peeling from your pink stained lip gloss colored lips, holding back the urge of crying you apologize. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean--" 

"I know Y/N, it's fine" The group stood in silence, finally reaching the common room, you and Jughead steal glances at each other the rest of the period while Betty and Veronica talked about Homing dance. Archie was speaking to Jughead, and you had your head buried deep into the third Harry potter book. It was now Fall and the weather had started changing quickly, you stood to go grab a sip of water from a nearby water fountain.

Sneaking one of your many other glances towards Jughead, he had his phone in one hand and his beanie in the other.  "whelp, the article won't write itself, best get going" he leaves sending a quick smile your way as everyone tells him "later". 

Why did you have to bring up that conversation? no matter how true it was, it wasn't right to do another sudden outburst like that, at lease not to Jughead. He knows his father ways, who were you to remind him? the entire night you twist and turn, wishing things had played out another way. While you were thinking, bigger things were happening on the other side of town, things that didn't even compare to the problems you had in mind. As many other times Jughead was right about one thing, you... 

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