The day after: College apps and more *Sneak Peak*

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your lungs flare a little when Betty flashes you her Michigan State acceptance letter, and a part of you loses the last bit of hope daddy stored in you the week before acceptance scores were released. Betty was smart and athletic of course Michigan would see that as a major bonus addition to their school. What school wouldn't? Her brown eyes were overflowing into nice oceans of syrupy honey as they always did when she was overwhelmed with happiness. Her eyes would get so wide you could glare directly into her pupils and her skin would get flushed. You had no doubt in your mind Betty wouldn't make it.

"Y/N, I'm really in" I try to muster up some form of happiness to show her how happy you are, because you truly are happy for her. A smile pierces through the corner of your lips and in return she beams even harder as she walks away and down the hall with a trail of confidence following behind her. You stare after her until she's completely out of eyesight then you regain focus and try your hardest to think about anything but college related when Jughead shuts your locker door close

"anything?" he questions you and with a sigh of disbelief you shake your head. Your hopes of entering the school weren't too high to begin with, but the fact that you hadn't gotten even the slightest rejection letter was even more depressing than receiving a rejection letter to begin with. Jughead attempts to comfort you and surprisingly it does wonders, but it wasn't enough, nothing in that moment could ever be enough. You give him a forced smile and with the swiftness you head for the exit.   

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2019 ⏰

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