A Secret Bash~ Part III

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"Okay, how does this look?" Jughead places his hands on both sides of his cheeks and opens his mouth in shock. You shake your head, and he immediately asks why not.

"You think its too much? huh?" you both walk in complete silence until he gasps in awe. He throws his hand over his mouth and begins to laugh. It catches you off guard.

"Too much?" he asks when he sees your reaction. You nod your head, not making any sort of sound.

"so, how long are we going to keep pretending something's not wrong?" he asks, and now he has your full attention.

"We're not pretending because there is nothing wrong" You dig your hands deeper into your back pockets and start to fumble the tips of your fingers with a lost piece of lint.  

"I'll take that as we're still pretending?" Jughead pulls out a note from his backpack. The wrinkling noises catch your attention. He slowly unfolds the creases piece by piece giving you the anticipation. He catches your eyes meeting the paper in his hands.

"I found it in my locker" He tells you. You reach your hand out in hopes he'll hand the note over without explanation, in which he does. You spread the paper out trying to get as little wrinkles as possible to read it. The words, bolded across a ripped strand of copy paper, pops out.

"The Beach--7:00 P.M.---Try not to be late"

You scan the paper for any information as of who sent it. Soon the initials pop out and the cold feeling of desperation takes another blow at you once again.  


You take a look at your watch and the time appears "5:45 P.M"  you fold the letter back up and throw it in a nearby trashcan you both were passing. Jughead forces his phone in his pocket and gives you a look of surprise.

"Is there a reason why you threw MY letter in the trash?" he questions you. You give him a forced smile to hide the boiling anger inside. You push a strand of hair behind your ear and turn towards Jughead.

"It was a note for starters" You explain "and it was just a 'Happy Birthday' nothing else" Jughead grabs you by the hand and pulls you onto the sidewalk. A car passes by. He drops your hand the moment it passes and you both are safely on the sidewalk. You hate the moment the thought pops in your hand that you wished he held on just a little longer so you decide to push it away.

"A Milkshake?" You point to pop's across the road. One of the things you loved about Pop's was the area it was in. It was a short distance from your home, and not too far from Betty's. It was the perfect location for the groups weekly meetings.

Jughead checks his watch and then gives you a nod. You both try to cross the street ducking and dodging in and out of traffic until you both reach the other side of the street. Jughead patiently holds the door open for your entrance with the kind words "My lady?". You flash him a smile and bow before him before entering. You both start laughing as you decide to take the booth instead of the counter seats. Honestly you both don't even know why you decide between the counter seats and the booths anymore. You both always seem to choose the booth.

Instead of sitting across from you, as he normally did, he takes his seat beside you. You can't help but think about the note when your eyes flash pass the clock on the wall. 6:00 P.M.

Jughead starts to ask you what's wrong when he see's the look of guilt on your face. You swallow hard and shake your head at the  question. You peck his cheek and his face grows into a shade of deep dark redness.

"It's your birthday. The only thing that matters is making this one a one for the books" He gives you a half smile. Pop's himself walks over to take your orders as he always had when you two came in. Jughead orders two to-go milkshakes. The same you both ordered on your 1 year best friend anniversary. You both get an additional bag of fries when pop's throws it in the order as a  "Birthday gift".

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