Chapter 13 Introductions

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Here she was again tied to a tree, when she insisted on leaving they have her tied to a tree claiming that she was Ellaria and they need to return her to Lothlorien. She’s so unlucky but thankfully they haven’t attempted to murder her yet, they were cooking something and her stomach growled. She haven’t eaten anything since lunch, she was however too stubborn to ask for food. She looked at the odd group, they did not mention why they were here. They said it was a secret blah blah blah, at least they all looked kind except for a brown haired man called Boromir he kept on sneaking glances on one of the hobbits. Athena does not know why but there was something about the ring on the hobbit’s neck that was attracting her as well. Great now  looking at the ring she remembered Theodred again, she had tried to forget him at the moment as remembering him only brings her feeling of anguish. If only she haven’t left Rohan then maybe she would be with Theodred right now, she silently scolded herself.

The elf sat beside her and offers her his cloak but she refused to accept it; given that she had just recovered from sickness she’s vulnerable to the cold. Great now she’s feeling cold, but she was too stubborn to admit it she was still upset that they tied her to the rope. She saw Aragorn walking around watching, he was on watch today in case something happens.

The elf sighed and placed the cloak around her, she cannot resist it well because she was tied to a tree! She angrily thought. The elf smiled at her but she did not, she glared at him.

‘’Look I know you are upset but I cannot let you go’’ he said and she rolled her eyes, well at least they were not trying to murder her at the moment. She didn’t answer; she gave him the silent treatment instead. Sure she was being difficult but that’s just the way she is, her stomach growled loudly and she hid her face in shame. She heard the elf laugh, then left. Now he’s taunting her? Seriously you don’t make fun of a starving person; she tried to imagine food in her mind thinking it would at least satisfy her in some way. The elf came back a second later with a bread that was wrapped in a leaf, he handed it to her and she ignored him.

‘’I know you are hungry, here eat this Ellaria’’ he said while placing it in front of her, she really wanted to ignore him but her stomach always comes first.

‘’Well you are one smart elf are you not? How am I going to eat if my hands are tied? ‘’ she joked but the elf frowned, well he certainly did not appreciate her remarks on elves.

‘’promise you won’t try to run away’’ he said and Athena chuckled, does this elf think that she can outrun them. Hell even the dwarf can outrun her, and she doubt that she was going to even try to run away they have food she thought and where the food is she stays.

‘’I promise’’ she said and he removed the ropes, she rubbed her wrist that was now red it hurts a little bit when she touched it but it’s nothing she cannot handle. The elf looked at her apologetically; he took her wrist and rubbed it gently. While he was looking at her wrist Athena looked at his face, his face seems very familiar. She cannot remember though, she’s young yet she had bad memory she cannot even remember what she ate for lunch that’s how bad her memory is. She blames it on the time she hit her head on the rock, her parents told her she was playing and she somehow managed to fall into a rock.

‘’what is this?’’ she asked while she looked at the bread, it was square in shape and looked different to the ones she ate in Rohan. Oh well, food is food she thought as she began devouring it.

‘’Lembas bread one small bite is enough to fill the stomach of a grown man’’ he said while turning to look at her, his eyed widened when he saw she already ate all of it.

‘’You’re not suppose to eat it all! You’re going to have a stomach ache’’ he scolded and she just smiled at him sheepishly, well she was hungry and it took all of it to satisfy her. She sat beside the elf and together they looked at the fire, Athena sighed to herself these people are boring.. She swatted away the crumbs on her lap from the bread.

She coughed and everyone turned to look at her except the dwarf, she took a small rock and threw it at  the dwarf who was falling asleep. His eyes opened in alarm , he looked so scared that it made Athena laughed.

‘’ I haven’t  introduced myself properly, and I am sure that I would be with you people for a long time as I am your captive so I thought it was appropriate. My name is Athena Bennett daughter of Arthur and Edith Benneth , and I love to eat’’ she said and the hobbits cheered in agreement, hobbits do love food too.

A hobbit stood up and introduced himself as Pippin and he claimed that his favourtie time of the day was breakfast,elevenses,Luncheon,Afternoon tea,Dinner and Supper. Basically the time when he eats food, Athena liked this hobbit they both shared the same passion in life food. The next one introduced himself as Merry basically he’s the baby-sitter for pippin who he said was a little bit dumb, Sam came next introducing himself as a gardener for Frodo Baggins, he’s a softie at heart and love to grow things. Frodo just introduced himself as Frodo; she did not push him to talk as Athena felt that he was dealing with some burden of some sort.

Aragorn introduced himself as a ranger; he really got nothing to say he said he wasn’t that interesting. Athena looked at the jewelry on his neck; it felt like she has seen it before. The browned haired introduced himself as Boromir, he was the son of the steward of Gandor, now Athena knew why he seem sad. Gandor has been the target of attack lately mainly because Gandor was located beside Mordor.

The dwarf introduced himself as Gimli son of Gloin, he was nice and funny but grumpy but Athena think that he was the most adorable dwarf she had ever seen with his ginger hair and long beard. He was about 5’ feet, shorter than Athena for about 3 inches .Gimli held himself with pride, dwarves are known for being prideful but Athena thinks they would get along just fine.

The  last but not the least the elf introduced himself as Legolas, he was the son of the king of Mirkwood. So he is a prince, what is he doing here Athena thought He said he came with them to look for someone and was on a mission with the rest of the fellowship. He was quite good looking, the most handsome out of all of them.  She noticed that Legolas and Gimli had some sort of quarrel going on, well it’s a known fact that dwarves and Elves despite one another well not all but most of them at least.

It was quiet once again after their little introduction; they really had nothing to talk about. Athena played with her ear in annoyance, she does not know why but she does it when she’s bored. Legolas took her hand and removed it from her ear since it was getting redder, and she said she is not Ellaria Legolas thought. Ellaria does the same thing when she is uncomfortable.

Out of all people she would be stuck with this group at least the orcs had some sort of humour, humour that’s it! Maybe she could make them laugh somehow.

‘’ Why were the early days of history called the dark ages?’’ she asked and they shrugged.

‘’why?’’ Pippin asked.

‘’Because there were so many knights! Get it knight! Like night ’’ she said and she began laughing uncontrollably but stopped when she noticed she’s the only one laughing. They just stared at her, oh boy she just made a fool of herself. It was so quiet that she could literally hear the wind. It was an awkward silent when Pippin started laughing; apparently he just got the joke.

‘’HAHAH knight’’ he said while laughing and Merry shook his head, Athena sighed she was going to be stuck with these people huh better get used to it. She looked at the ring on her finger, Hold on Theodred I’ll find a way to escape.

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