Chapter 33 Seperation

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''And it's done'' Eowyn said as she finished fixing Ellaria's hair. She was a little envious as she realized how beautiful she is. She rarely see her wear a dress and now when she did she truly looked like a princess she is, Ellaria stood up excitedly and did the same for Eowyn. She never truly had a sister and Eowyn was the closest to her with the exception of Arwen. When she finished they both sprinted to the mirror, they both smiled satisfied with the way they looked. They had both wore simple dresses but it still looked elegant on them, they twirled around loving the way the dress made them feel feminine. So this is what girls do Ellaria thought, she never dress herself up as she was often busy with patrolling before. But now it was different, as a princess she will not be allowed to fight even though she is capable . Now she know how Arwen felt when Lord Elrond held her back from fighting, remembering Arwen she glanced at Eowyn who was happily looking at herself in the mirror. She knew that Eowyn developed feelings for Aragorn , he cannot return her feelings however as he still loves Arwen. There is still a chance for her , Arwen is departing middle earth.

Eowyn stopped looking at her reflection when she noticed Ellaria looked a bit preoccupied , she snapped her fingers in front of her face to snap her out of it.

''Come on Ell, your elf is waiting'' she said as she gripped Ellaria's wrist dragging her out, Eowyn cannot wait to see Aragorn.

There was a celebration for each victory of Rohan, during the first hour the woman will offer their loved ones roses honoring them and thanking them for their service. There will be music and dancing after. The second hour was purely men only, it was the time where the soldiers spend some time together drinking. When they had arrived at the gathering there was already a lot of people talking and celebrating, Ellaria and Eowyn each took one roses from the basket at the front. There was no doubt who they will give it too, both of their hearts were beating fast. They walked hand in hand to the hall, men looked at them but they both ignored it.

They scanned through the crowd , Ellaria smiled as she spotted the familiar long blonde hair. She sprinted towards Legolas excusing herself and apologizing when she bumped to people in the process. She coughed and the elf turned around, his eyes widened slightly and he took a little sharp intake of breath. Ellaria smiled seeing that Legolas appreciated her efforts into dressing up, she chuckled and bowed while offering her rose. The elf took it not knowing what it meant, he looked around seeing other women do it too but it was followed then by a kiss. He took the rose and placed it on top of Ellaria's ear, it made her look even more beautiful if that was even possible.

Ellaria frowned at what Legolas did. '' It does not work that way Legolas''

''but It looked wonderful on you'' he said frowning, Ellaria just chuckled. The music started playing, Legolas offered his hand for Ellaria.

''May I?'' she took it immediately , she placed her hands on his shoulders while he placed his arms around her. He held her close relishing their moment together , if Legolas had the choice he would want to stay like this with her in his arms.

''I love you'' he whispered in her ear.

''Don't you get tired of saying that?'' she said , Legolas was not the one to express his emotions but when it comes to her he was expressive not that she was complaining but he was different with her. He was quiet when he was with others only speaking when needed.

''Never, as long as I am alive and breathing'' he said and Ellaria rolled her eyes laughing slightly, he really is taking it on the next level. She would not even be surprised if he kneel in front of her and confess his undying love for her.

''Well, I must say I love you too my pointy elf prince''' she whispered back, the elf pulled away suddenly.

''Say it again'' he said smirking and she sighed.

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