Chapter 37 Hiding

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Ellaria watched patiently as some soldiers went to the nearby river, if she ever got lucky she would be able to snatch some clothes and hopefully an armor to cover her face and body. She hid behind a tree waiting for all of the men to get into the water, she eyed the clothes that they had left behind which was not too far from where she was hiding at. She counted one to three and tiptoed her way to her target, she silently apologize to whomever had to go back to their camp naked. The men were too preoccupied with taking a bath so she knew she would be safe, she successfully snatched some clothing and an armor she smiled to herself in victory. She walked away silently while looking at the river, she was relieved that she was not caught. She chuckled until she bumped into something, her smile disappeared and slowly turned her eyes in front of her. There he was with crossed arms looking at her strangely, she just smiled innocently. He looked at the clothes that she had , she quickly dropped the clothes she was carrying.

''That's where my clothes went'' they heard someone uttered, she turned to look but quickly shut her eyes as she saw that the man was not wearing any clothing.

Eomer covered her eyes with his hands,'' get your clothes and leave'' he ordered. After a minute Eomer removed his hands and she could finally opened her eyes.

''May I ask why you were trying to steal a soldier's armor?'' Eomer asked her crossing his arms once again.

''To blend in?'' she explained

''And why would you want to blend in?'' she did not reply and he sighed.

''Look, you are not suppose to be here''

''I know, but I want to help. You are all greatly outnumbered, I know I am not as good at fighting like I was used to but I could still fight'' she said.

''It is not safe, Legolas-- he would not want you here''

''He cannot know'' she said looking down and Eomer looked at her but decided to not say anything.

She wrapped a cloth around her chest to make it seem flat, follow your heart she remembered her mother. It was not easy, she did not know exactly why she came back. Of course she wanted to help and does not want to hide within the walls of Rivendell, but is that all? She had no intention of reuniting with Legolas, she wanted to see him once again as she knew both of them could die at

any moment. Luckily she managed to convince Eomer to keep her presence hidden, should she talk to Legolas? She should at least apologized right? Ellaria hated herself right now, she felt like she always depended on someone. In some sense she might even felt useless, she felt like a weakling that cries all the time. She needs to suck it up and move on. Men are dying everyday now is not the time to think about love, there are plentiful of time for that- if they survive that is.

''Are you done?'' she heard Eomer uttered from the outside

''Yes!'' she exclaimed loud enough for him to hear, Eomer entered with a set of armor and helmet.

''Thank you'' she said gratefully when Eoemer handed it to her.

He sat next to her and helped her put the helmet on, as he placed it on her head he gently brushed a hair out of her face, she did not mind it though but she had noticed that his hand lingered on her face longer than usual. She looked at Eomer who seemed in a trance, she snapped her fingers in front of Eomer who's eyes never left her face.

''Oh, forgive me my mind was distracted'' he exclaimed as he quickly removed his hand from her face.

''I understand, I'll be heading outside for a bit. I want to walk around'' she said as she stood up and Eomer nodded.

As she walked Eomer watched her steps like he always did all these years, sometimes he wondered if she knew about his feelings. He dismissed his thought however as he remembered Theodred, it wouldn’t be right to think about his fallen cousin's ex-fiance this way. He looked at his right hand, the one that touched her face before a sad smile fell upon his lips. He thought of all the possibilities if she met him first, they would surely be married right now. He shook his head feeling foolish at his thoughts, he stood up and headed his way outside.

Ellaria stretched her sore muscles, it was no fun to sleep in those tents. The beds were too hard and cold and it made her back hurt, she fixed her posture as she saw a certain dwarf approaching. She stood up and huffed her chest out, that's what men do right?

''Hey you there! Don't just stand there and help out!” the dwarf exclaimed looking at her disapprovingly. He was holding some woods, probably for the fire for tonight. She ran and took some woods out of the dwarf's hands, she groaned as she felt how heavy it was.

''Oy lad don't complain'' the dwarf scolded her, if she could only reveal herself right now she would smack Gimli on the head.

The dwarf wasted most of his time ordering her around claiming that she need more muscle, she sneaked away while Gimli was distracted. She breathe in a sigh of relief, she climbed on a tree and sat there. She remembered when she used to do these with Legolas, Legolas where is he?. She was here for a day and she haven’t seen him not even once. If she was being honest with herself, she was a little happy not seeing him. She doesn’t know where to stand with him anymore, they weren't together anymore so they are friends now? How can you even be friends with someone you love? It's impossible.

She heard someone moving , she looked around to where the sound came from. It sounded so close to her but she could not find the source. She was a bit shaken when someone suddenly jumped above her into the ground, she looked down to see Legolas walking back to the camp.

She climbed down careful and followed the elf, he looked thinner than he used to be. She stopped however when the elf suddenly aimed his bow at her.

''Reveal yourself!, I haven't seen you before are you a spy or a traitor?'' he said as he aimed it precisely on her head. She noticed dark spots surrounding his eyes and how tired he looked, she almost want to reach out to him and hold his tired face.

''There you are lad!I've been looking everywhere for you, come there's work to be done back in the camp'' said the dwarf excitedly, Gimli do enjoy enslaving people.

''Gimli stay away , I've sense something odd about him.'' Legolas said as he inspected her.

''I will not say this one more time, reveal yourself'' Legolas said as he pulled on his bow.

Does she even have a choice?

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