chapter two

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Chapter two.

I hated being in this house because of that ugly stank and that same ugly stank wants to make my baby look ugly every single time I see her. She stayed the night saying she wanted to meet his parents but she would introduce herself as his friend, she was really getting on my nerve. I could just squeeze her neck and break it.

I needed to meet up with my doctor's appointment without the stupid husband of mine knowing, the crazy thing is as of now he was always giving me intense stare down and it was disturbing making me want to tell him I was pregnant but I am sure it was a very bad Idea.

"Were do you think you are going?" he asked. I was about to walk out the door and rush away from my driver to see my doctor but this ass I call a husband wouldn't let me go in peace, cant he just let me be gosh its annoying. Please mind not my rant.

"The mall?" I curse myself internally for making it sound like a question. He just kept looking at me making me feel uncomfortable in my skin and I badly wanted to scream 'fuck off'.

"Ok let the driver take you there" he said though he sounded unconvinced. Couldn't he mind his business? Damn you handsome devil. I racked my brain in search of an excused but I came out with nothing but a crazy plan and I didn't care if he gets angry later.

"Yeah sure" I said before rushing out the door at the sight of the stupid stank. When we finally reached our destination the mall I told the driver to wait for me in the car that I was going to take long because I really need a lot of clothes, he was about to protest but I cut him off before rushing out like I was going to the entrance before looking back to check if he was watching me and fortunately he wasn't. Rubbing my palms together I gave an evil laughter before rushing to the bus stop and waiting for the bus.

When I got to the hospital I was so glad it was five minutes before my appointment, the nurse soon called me into the doctor's office. The appointment went wall and I felt nothing could ever spoil my day after hearing the heartbeat of my baby and seeing the ultra sound, I left the office with a wide smile as I rushed back to the bus stop and i was lucky enough the bus was there. When I had gotten to the mall I bought some clothes that were big enough to cover my baby bump, so technically I didn't lie to his stupid ass.

"Let's go Cyprian" I told the driver who seemed happy to leave the mall.

When I got home it was silent but I knew that stank was somewhere in the house but didn't care because my little baby and I were hungry. Over the months I was hiding from the asshole I had come to love and cherish my baby and I promised to take care of him or her the best I could, the first time I heard my baby's heart beat I fell deeply in love with the thought of being a pregnant man then meeting my ex-boss I understood that it was a special gift to be able to give life to a tiny human within my body.

"Hey fatso" I heard the bitch say but decided to be a gentle man and ignore her but she was a stank that was persistent and I was ready to kill someone if that certain someone don't shut othe fuck up.
"I'm talking to you" she pushed my shoulder to get my attention.

"If you'll excuse me I have better things to do than smell you fish breath blocking my air ways." I snapped but she didn't seem to notice or care as she stood in front of me with a snare and I swear I saw the yellowing of her teeth, Jesus Christ is these the mouth Cristiano had being kissing and tonguing. EW I am never letting his mouth near mine till he meets a dentist. Maybe he has to undergo teeth replacement surgery, well if that was possible.

"I don't get why he is still keeping your gold-digging ass around?" she asked as she seemed to size me from head to toe. What she didn't know was people couldn't get to me when I also share a mutual hatred with them. And after working with Rose-bug that annoying bug in human form, I became thick skinned.
"You are so damn funny but let's get one thing straight" I paused for effect sizing her from head to toe then saying. "I am the one letting your bulgy ass stay here because last time I checked I am the one he is married to and you are a side trash that he would soon leave".

"Shut up" she said slapping me causing my head to snapped to one side. Then like me being me I went to slap her when the stupid man entered as he looked at me I noticed the stank was digging her nails deep into her skin.

"What is going on here?" he asked with anger written all over his face as he kept staring at me making the bulgy ass bitch fake tears rushing into his arm spitting all kinds of lies as he growled at me in anger.  Wow way to solve a problem. I even wonder why I was still here watching them.

"He hurt me baby see" she said taking his attention from me to look at her, I walked to the fridge taking a frozen peas bag and laid it on my burning cheek. Well there goes my happy bubbles, bye.
It was finally time for his family to come over for dinner, good thing my cheek Wasn't swollen or else I might just plan their death in the middle of the night. They dressed nice but I wasn't going to try to impress his parents so I dressed in a sweat pant and the overly large sweat shirt that made me look smaller.

"Why are you dressed like a hobo?" Cristiano asked but I ignored him and his snickering bitch, yeah bitch laugh all you want you'll just be shocked.

   They had finally arrived and funny enough they were dressed like they were off from work, the dinner commenced as his mother seemed to find joy stuffing my face with the different delicacies the cook had made. I snickered whenever the stank tried to talk and they all ignore her.
Well good thing that isn't me.

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