chapter fourteen

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Chapter fourteen


I stared at the stupid man as he thought I was in full support of what he was doing to the love of my life; I hated myself more than anything for hurting my baby shelly. I forced myself to smile as he told me to clean his entire sharp instrument on the table; I nodded curtly before walking to the table as he walked out of the abandoned ware house, I heard a whimper making me rush out to check if he was still around and the good thing was he had left to God knows where.

"Shelly?" I whispered as she whimpered again and a scared looking Aubrey watching my every move like a hawk. It was already two weeks since Aubrey was brought here and two weeks since my baby was tortured, I quickly picked up the first aid kit I had kept hidden where the stupid man won't find it and rushed to clean her wounds.

"Why do you let that devil torture her?" Aubrey's small voice interrupted my thought as his word sink in more causing my chest to ache in pain.

"Mind your business" I snapped.

"This is my business Susan" he said looking at me with his wide sad eyes as it began to water as he looked back at his older sister. Yes you read right Sheila is his elder sister and the devil is their father, well not their real father though but they didn't know that.

The story is quite complicated; you see Ricardo is a very heartless man who takes whatever he wanted without showing a care in the world that his ways hurt people around him. Well I was unfortunate to have met him when he caught Sheila and I kissing, he was and still is a big homophobic and anything he doesn't understand he destroys. What I know about him was that after Sheila's parents sent her to the therapist who was a family friend that was where all the craziness started. One morning things suddenly changed, Shelly's father went missing but the family didn't seem to notice that the man living with them wasn't even related to them. He caught me trying to tell Sheila about what was going on and he prevented me. Another day Sheila kissed me, so we were caught again he then found out that Sheila and I were somewhat together he decided to use her as a lab rat for his hypnotizing experiment chasing her out after making her believe she needed help from a therapist again, well when I found out he threatened me that if I didn't agree to his plan Sheila would be tortured before he killed her then my family and I. on hearing this I quickly agreed to do whatever he said. He made her forget everything we were and replaced those memories with terrible ones. He then started using me to get things while threatening my family and Sheila's lives.

'You know you are beautiful and I want you to use it in getting this boy' he had showed me a picture of Cristiano who he planned that we would meet and I should pretend to have been in love with him so that I could get into his life and get everything he wanted.

The truth was that he never told me the reason he wanted me to do such a bad thing as the take everything someone owned and let the person suffer when they were nice and caring as Cristiano. Ricardo told me that he was only being kind because I was beautiful and he wanted me for himself alone, he promised that if I toke everything Cristiano had and bring it to him that he would give me half of everything so that I can have Sheila for myself and a brighter future, me being the naïve child then my heart speed up in happiness at the thought of a better future with my shelly and without Ricardo hurting anyone of us. Oh what a big mistake I had made.

He lied and when I found out that he was lying to me I decided to take everything into my hands to take everything from Cristiano for myself and my lover so I started making a video to reveal my scheme but at the same time I planned on revealing who I had being working for so when they are searching for Ricardo I would have escaped somewhere no one can fine or hurt my new family I was taking with me, but as you can guess it he found a little about my plan and sent shelly in to take me out under hypnosis that's why she doesn't know the complete story and she doesn't know my face anymore and part of her family memories are missing.

He raped her constantly and I give him myself willingly so he could leave her for a while and let her run free. You might be wondering why Aubrey doesn't remember his sister; well all I can say is Ricardo wipe her clean from her being remembered by her younger siblings.

"I need you to stay as calm as you can" I whispered being cautious because I knew Ricardo didn't trust me fully so he has people place around every exit and entry of the ware house. Aubrey looked at me nodding as he took a deep breath.

"Take this energy bar while I take care of her" I said as I released one of his hands as he started to eat the bar as his eyes watered. I felt sad watching him try to stay alive for his baby to survive; it reminded me of what Ricardo did to my baby when I was brought back to him.  He killed my baby, removed him from my womb. I will never forgive him for that. I hate him so much.

I just needed to get in contact with Cristiano as soon as possible without raising Ricardo suspicion because that means we would all be in danger if he finds out my plan.

"Who are you" I heard the weak voice of my shelly as I was able to stop her blood loss and she had gained consciousness. My chest hurt as a lump formed in my throat as my eyes watered as she looked around at what she could see due to being restrained on the chair.

"Shh be quiet Shelly" I whispered before standing to my feet as I heard a suspicious sound of the Ricardo returning. I rushed back to tie Aubrey's hand back as I continued with the cleaning of the sharp instrument on the table, I use my side view to watch Aubrey who looked down at the wrapper of the energy bar on the floor causing me to quickly pick it up before I heard the voice of Ricardo.

"What are you doing" he said in suspicion as I thought of what I should do and the answer to give him as to why I was picking something from near Aubrey.

I felt like I had being caught and this was my last day on earth so I looked at Aubrey sadly.


Pa! Pa!
There was a knock at the door then we could here the guards asking for entrance so I let them in.

I looked at the woman at the door of my house as we were about to continue our search for my Aubrey, she looked scared while she kept looking around and with her were two boys who looked about twelve and eight. She finally looked at me causing me to gasp and quickly let her into the house then looking around before closing the door I told the security to stay on guard.

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