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We have being in the waiting room for I don't know how long and I was sweating bullets  at the thought of losing them, I can't lose them. Susan looked as guilty as ever as she sobbed in the corner but I was not ready to ask her questions, she came for her lover Sheila who the doctor told us was just in need of a surgery because when she was starving there her small intestine twisted and she was lucky to had arrived early and it was on going right now, she would get some of the open wounds on her body treated to prevent amputation due to it being exposed for too long. According to Susan she explained how she treated their wounds using first aid every time that beast wasn't around.

" Cris" my mothers voice snapped me out of my thought as she, my sister and Aubrey mom rushed into the waiting room. My mom hugged me and she kissed around my face.

"Please how is my baby?" Sonia asked as I smiled sadly.

" we don't know yet he has being in there for I don't know how long" my dad said  for me so that I can't break down. I hugged Sonia as she was crying hard, I didn't want to hope for the worst so as not to jinx it.

"They would be fine", it doesn't matter if the baby doesn't make it as far as Aubrey does we could try again. Oh my what am I thinking. Dear God please let them live, I can't lose them or any body for that matter. Soon a doctor walked into the room and we all stood up.

"Please the family of Sheila" Susan rushed forward as Sonia suddenly stopped crying as she stared at the doctor.

"Yes doctor" Susan said

"Good news she is out of danger and she should wake up soon and you can see her" Susan nodded happily as the doctor left leading the way.

"Excuse me please can I come with you?" Sonia asked as we all stared at her in confusion why do she want to go with Susan. Susan stared at Sonia who looked at her sadly before nodding and they were gone.

We soon sat back down, we continued to wait my mom sat beside me as she hummed a soothing tone and I let it soothe me a little.

Soon another doctor entered the room causing us to rush to our feet as the doctor had a grim look on his face he sighed before he spoke.

"Please are the family of Aubrey?"

"Yes " I said expectantly.

" we were able to save you baby since his mother seem to have been protecting the baby, so he is being monitored in an incubator "

" what about Aubrey" I whispered as the doctor looked at me.

"There wasn't much we could do for him, as his heart stopped beat twice during the operation but we were able to remove the poison from his blood but we would be needing to do more blood transfusion in a few hours as he is on life support we do hope he would be breathing on his own soon." With that the doctor walked out. With this news I had hope as my baby boy was ok but remaining his mommy. Please  survive for us Aubrey.



I felt sore as if I had been sleeping for long, my head had a numb pain and my throat was dry as if sand paper were rubbed together as I tried to swallow. I need to open my eyes but they felt glued shut,  soon enough I was able to open my eyes and everything seemed blurred out before it cleared up. I stared at the ceiling in confusion. Ok where am I? I thought , I could feel weight on my hand causing me to look down only to see a sleeping Cris he looked tired. What was going on, using my free hand I winced a little and that seemed to get his attention as his  eyes snapped open looking at me then he jumped up in recognition.
"Aubrey you are awake?" He said or more like asked as I smiled a little at him. Then he rushed out of the room to call the doctor I guess, suddenly I felt empty causing me to look at my flat stomach . No no where is my baby, my eyes started to water as my heart rate increased causing a stupid beeping noise to fill the room but I ignored it as I did with the pain when I was trying to sit.

"What are you doing Aubrey, lay back down" Cris had returned with the doctor.

"No Cris where is my baby" I snapped as he held on to me.

"With mother honey, I need you to relax" he whispered as he kissed my tears away before helping me to lay back on the bed, the doctor said I had recovered better than they expected since I was in coma for 3 months, while what had happened to me some people would not survive it. What hurts was the fact I wasn't able to see my baby yet. Is he as handsome as his dad or me? Is he tiny? Does he have my eye Sight?.

It was a week since I woke up and held my baby who we hadn't named yet but I have a beautiful name for him, nothing was missing, he was a completely healthy baby and he had mismatched eyes due to the little poison he ingested and he looks so much like Cris.
"Baby it's time to fill the birth certificate with the name of the baby" I smiled at him as he nodded, I looked down at my baby boy who was fast asleep in the hospital crib placed beside my bed.
"I will call him Hope laurel" I said as Cris nodded with a smile. "I  love it"
When ever I see my son I will understand hope is everywhere even in the worst case scenario hope is always alive. Our story didn't end here instead it just started.

Susan and Sheila reconciled with Everyone after telling us what really happened behind the scene, Ricardo was taken to a mental facility in the middle of nowhere according to Cristiano but, I had a feeling Ricardo might have met his maker.

Please check out my most recent books.

BL REBIRTH: You were mine (mpreg)

MAYAR: my dear child (manxman)

Rays of hope (mpreg) Manxboy Where stories live. Discover now