chapter eleven

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Chapter eleven


       I knew something was going on but I didn't know what , I hated the fact that I killed her it was all my fault I knew this but I needed to blame someone for ones. I haven't loved anyone since her and whenever I see any couple I get really jealous with all their lovey display of affection. I hate the fact that they both love each other but I can't let them be happy. Yes I know they love each other and Cristiano is pushing Aubrey away to keep him safe, I am not dumb or crazy it's just that I prefer to believe that I am punishing myself and everyone around me since I killed her.

I have been trying to find where he was always hiding whenever it was only the two of us, Aubrey's life is in danger but I am not the main danger since I have a higher person I am working for. Sometimes when I think about Susan I become the crazy person who was obsessing over her, I remember her betrayal leaving me alone after giving me hints that she loved me. Then we had only a few friends in high school and people only talked to her because of her beauty but the secret they never knew about her real self, she was always manipulating people and giving them the illusion that they are wrong or crazy, she ones did it to the school queen bee that bullied her in sophomore year of high school she had made the girl look crazy in front of everyone and she became suicidal but she never told me what she had done to make her like that and finally the parents of the girl shipped her far away from people she knew.
Things I found when she had left me, it was unbearable she made me believe crazy things, I know you are all confused but the truth is I was always protecting her in my option while to the world I was obsessed with her. My boss is the person I am forced to sleep with every now and again and it hurts to be abused every single day and if I don't go to my boss then my boss would find me and hurt me more, life has always being a living hell since I met my boss all those years back.

"Sheila you are wanted in the boss's office" my only friend Annett said as she gave me a sad smile which I returned with a grimace of my own.

"Seat down Sheila" His voice was always holding that crazy aggression, his eyes where always with fire within their depth. I can never remember how I met him and that scares me, he eyed me as I took my seat with my usual blank expression in front of this man.

"Sheila I heard you are slacking off" his voice felt like sharp blades to my ears yet his voice was cutting deep.

"NO sir" I said making sure no emotions were showing because if they were then I was at risk. He slammed his hand on his desk as things shook and fell off.


I didn't flinch as he growled after shouting, I can't believe he found out. Yes I knew he is pregnant but I had a plan.

"He is not pregnant sir" I said as calmly as I had leant how to. He was soon standing behind me as pulled me up with hair and pushed me on the desk, well here we go again with the abuse. I noticed that whenever he abused me when I wake up I won't have control of myself and my body, it is like I am being controlled to do what I don't want to do.

"I want you to enjoy this because if I find out you are hiding any information from me next I'll make sure there would be no next time" he said as he slapped my cheek. I had gotten used to the hurt that it became numb, I still don't remember how long I have being surviving all this I just want to die and go away from him.
He used his sharp blade he always kept in his drawer to tear my clothes of and when he does that he starts marking my skin with his blade as he let me bleed , his hand rubbed my skin making me feel more disgusted with myself as it seem to turn him on. Funny thing is he jerk off looking at me and he never marks my face or neck.

"Hmm yes that's it" he groans as he finally entered me, I felt nothing, I just stared at the ceiling with dullness. I still ask myself why I still wake up in the morning, dying seems better than this. Soon enough I started seeing black spots spread as I began to lose consciousness.

She woke up felling refreshed as she smirked dementedly before smiling at the man seating on the chair with his legs crossed, he chuckled lightly as she dressed up without flinching.
"I see you are ready to kill the boy but don't , I need you to bring him to the location I would send to you" he stated as he stared up at Sheila who stood before him. Then his other minion entered the office.He never knew his experiment would work on the stupid child Sheila, he had found her at a very young age with the help of her lover and now she was his crazed killing machine.
"Oh not yet, I want to torture him and taste his delicious blood" her eyes held hunger as a woman (his other minion) stood behind the girl rubbing her back before kissing her on the lips and sent her off after telling her to be careful. The man and the woman laughed in happiness at their creation.
"Cristiano must lose everything he has" the woman said as the man walked up to her and kissed her on the lips before grabbing her bosom as he rubbed it.
"Hmm yes he will since he thinks he can get what he wants" the Man said before kissing the woman.
Sheila was on her way to complete her mission and she was planning to do it right.

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