chapter one

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Chapter one.

I yawned tiredly before walking towards the new people that entered the café to take their order, my baby bump wasn't that pronounced yet but I hid it as well as I could. During the little breaks I had I used it to sleep and fulfill my carving and my boss seemed to understand it all, when I started working here he found out about my pregnancy and he was like I shouldn't feel ashamed because his husband had just given birth to their first child and was ready for the next one to come. Knowing this made me feel relived since he tries to pay me well and give me enough sick days so as not to stress myself, the other employees hated me because they claim I'm getting too much favor from the boss himself who they usually describe as the most heartless man. some even started saying bad things about me and the boss.

  Today was going smoothly and everyone was busy with one thing or another while I took the orders.
"Hey Aubrey" said a very annoying voice, you know what I take my statement back about how the day was going smoothly, this mutt won't let me be since I started working here, always telling me how I was taking space as a gay man. claiming I am a waste of a poor girl's future husband.

"Hey Rose-bug" I said sarcastically with a grunt as she adjusted her fake boobs putting it closer to my face trying to act all seductive ' bitch you are the reason men date men' I thought to myself. She makes me want to pull my hair at any chance I get.

"Aubrey you know something I just heard?" she asked but still didn't wait for my respond but I guess she knew what was going to my response which would be along the line of 'hey hoe it's not everyone who gives a shit about what your stupid ass heard'

"I heard some people saying that you and the boss are an item since you always seem to be in his office every chance you get and they also said that you are telling the boss to divorce his husband" looking at her with wide confused eyes I was left speechless what the hell is she talking about, I looked around in a rushed to see if others were listening but thank goodness they aren't now to shut the b*tch up.
"Well Rose so I'm guessing you are the others who can't seem to get over the fact that the boss is a friend of mine, well I don't blame you because from what I have seen is that you can't let your brain think since your legs are always opened to anyone during leisure period" I whispered harshly before walking away.

   Soon enough my shift was over and I was then rushing home, when I ran away from my husband I kind of forgot to take some money and enough clothes. I was with few of my clothes and my iPhone which I later sold to get food and a roof over my head and some of the other cash I opened a savings account for when I go into labor so I can care for my baby and hospital bills. I wasn't looking where I was going as I tried to get away from the cold breeze that blew. sheesh.

"I'm sor-" I couldn't continue this statement when I looked at the man before me, of course he had to find me.
my stupid ass couldn't maybe disappear from them the earth and maybe migrate to Uranus or the moon.
"You are coming with me Aubrey and no argument or I will take you by force" he growled as I thought against the struggle I had planned in my mind, he pushed me into the car as he told the driver to start the car. I just looked out the window trying to ignore the stupid man beside me, I hated the fact that he could find me that easily and he looked smug as we came closer to his extra-large house that makes you want to hide away from the preying eyes of the press.

"I looked everywhere for you Aubrey and guess what I found" he said but l just walked pass him as I knew he would soon start shouting at me.

"Why are you always this stupid Aubrey" I finally snapped as I looked at him with anger.

"Let me guess they threatened you to find me or did your parents find out that we are not like a real family?" I soon felt tears falling stupid hormones making me cry like a baby.

"Oh shut it Aubrey everything is not all about you" he snapped.

This was all how it was and I am tired of all this pointless fights, I don't need this or I am at a greater risk of losing my baby so I did what I always do which was to walk away into my only safe place which is my room.

I stayed in my room for what I think was a few hours since the afternoon sun was setting, I was hungry I just wanted to go to the kitchen to get something to eat. When I got to the dining area which led to the kitchen I heard a female laughter and his laughter also, I needed to eat so I had to pass where they were talking. As soon as I walked in they stopped their laughter as Cristiano looked at me with irritation and the girl he was holding snarled at me before they began to kiss, I felt like crying but I held it all in since I saw no reason to show him how what he was doing affected me so I just walked to the kitchen to get the dry mango I always kept in the far corner of the fridge.

"Why is he still here?" the thin cow asked

"Oh my parents are visiting tomorrow and his stupid ass would make things harder for us if he isn't here" he replied as my heart broke again at his words.

I guess I would never find a happy ever after.

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